Robin Swope

Am I the only one that has a problem with these overly white kids having a black slave?

I want to see the Marvel short where Nick Fury keeps paging Carol and she, busy doing something exciting on some alien world, gets pissed and ignores it.

I wonder. This is all due to lazy writing and negligent or misguided oversight of the script. But this seems to be systematic of the recent rash of more Feminine slanted movies in nerd culture. Is it a misogynistic conspiracy of the suits in Hollywood? A way to underhandedly and passively get back at the #MeToo

Let’s see what the writing looks like. A great cast is just that, a great cast.

That is truth. The church gives power to those who ordinarily would not have it, and attracts those who use others to fulfill their desires.

Highly over rated and often leads to a dysfunctional relationship. Also low self esteem and more importantly-personal violation issues because of the presence of alcohol during the intimacy, legally that is...

Yes, let’s examine everyone else’s spirituality, for they are the enemy and let us judge without mercy or grace because we do not know these people personally. The very same thing you chastise them for. Let us not try to understand and reach across the aisles for a greater strength for all. No, let’s focus on our

Hiding from the #MeToo movement because of accusations from his Ex wife.

I think this is just subliminal marketing only those with Skrull blood can perceive.

LOL, yes they are. I hope they at least have a faint derriere presence in the back of the skull just like the good old days!

HOLY MOLY!!! REAL JOURNALISM!!!! HUGE KUDOS!!!! I love this type of stuff, thank you for your hard work Jennings Brown. You rock the pants off of your fellow colleagues with this detailed investigation. Is it me or does he look like a younger “Captain Obvious”? The world is full of people playing scams, large and

The Talosians from the preview look Klingonesque.

I would agree somewhat, but Isaac is not an homage, he borders on parody. As do numerous elements on the show, such as an over powered security chief. It is an exaggeration of established character tropes. However as a whole it is an amazing homage.

The delay getting the second meal is a good time to let your partner talk as you eat and listen. And then you can do the same as she eats. Communication equals happiness.

This last twist moved this from parody to full Sci-Fi along with classic Trek in wake of the present fear of the Singularity nearing.

I just wish they would connect the Disparate Pieces of his Flash Costume so it doesnt look like a beat up old rust bucket stuck together with barbed wire..

I want a big talking head with tentacles. I dont care if it is male, female, undefined, who cares. The I dont care who voices it. But they need a big talking head with tentacles darn it! (though Annette Bening sure looks good for her age! The head can be pretty! Just more tentacles! lol)

Right, it wasn’t the idea that there is a Section 31 and it is against everything Starfleet holds dear, it was that such an organization had thrived the whole of Starfleet’s existence.

She is an awesome actress. I ignored Altered Carbon until now, her presence has changed that! Guess I need to watch Season1!

I blame the Tulips