Robin Swope

Hopefully we get to see the Kree and start connecting the Universe.

I just think there is too much Mushroom use in the writers room.

I think the bigger discussion is why African descent people think that racism is their exclusive territory. It is not as if those with more pigment are less racist; we are all human. Other races have been victimized by different ethnic and religious groups throughout time. But when you highlight your group’s

Maybe he can teach the privileged emo white boy how to fight. 

This is the Executive Timeline. A mish mash mix on the quest for profit.

Pilots are the tent pole. So far the only good thing about this show is the main cast. Everything else so far looks and feels unlike Star Trek. I blame the suits, Paramount never knew what to do with Trek. Look at how they waste the casts of all the shows. Pathetic.

YES, yes. All the world needs now is more cliched stereotypical views of others instead of getting to know them. It is easier to judge than have compassion and understanding. Let’ go lazy Millennials! Hate, hate hate!

That’s the thing about people with bloated ego’s, they think they are worth more than they really are. Bill Nye, just wants power. Follow the politics...

Bill Nye, the money guy! Wait, isn’t he a socialist though? What about the common good? We need more Marvel and Star Wars, darn it!

Yeah, classify and rate the hate! Lol. such meaningless dribble that does nothing but destroy.

The problem is the suits. Executive always think they are right and they use the logic of “This is the new thing!” and try to imitate a success instead of allowing the artists to create. Thus we get shitty plastic pop culture ideas that are half baked and not thought out or entertaining.

Is this Louis CK? sure sounds like either him or an agent. Yes, Tig’s comments reveal a crime committed by Louis, what is so hard to figure out unless you want to distort the truth according to Tig? What does she have to gain? Nothing. what does the scum bag abuser have to gain or lose? EVERYTHING. 

Like a middle aged man making up for a flaccid penis....

a Khan tv show. Sounds like they are harvesting a corpse.

We should stop calling this Star trek:Discovery and call it Executrek; because it is painfully obvious the executives who have screwed up the Trek franchise in the past have the keys to the car at this point.

Just a friendly reminder that Islam invaders in Africa organized the slave trade and sold their own people for money. It’s a HUMAN thing, not a racial one. get past 100 years and look at all of history, stop being narrow minded and blind.

If it makes you feel better, take out SJW and replace it with Assholes. Same thing. People putting personal ideals over human beings and peace. Shameful and stupid, the bane of this generation. Learn to live, love and accept others you sniveling bands of whiners!

Is it me, or does Star Trek:Discovery look very “vanilla” even with a respected and loved actress of color in the lead?

When you avoid obvious canon, it is a sign it is gonna be a crapfest; that and the production difficulty proves Paramount has no idea how to run a franchise.

The world is coming to an end. But at least she isn’t the first Doctor to have boobs. Phew!