Robin Swope

Stress can bring out the worst in people even though they have a goal in mind that is good for everyone. The wandering plots and rehashing of tropes is what is killing The Walking Dead, and it has become a worn road that is all too familiar. Time for an exit ramp.

Take out white and put in Human and you got a winner. Anything else you got a whiner. And a self centered and ethnic centered one as well, so stuck in their minutia they forget that we are all the same except for Melanin and minor genetic differences that could easily occur within an intimate family group. We are all

I peed a little. I have friends who listen to this stuff.

As a Christian pastor I find this so repugnant and inane I do not have words. Jesus came to make us love one another and understand the power of love in the face of evil. Yet we still resort to primitive behavior and chest beating like we are rabid animals. Fundamentalists of every religion, Christians included,

Good old tribal warfare. It is so funny the sites famous for their progressive open minds hunt and slay those that are different or raise their voices because they have a hidden hurt. Is there not a person we will shame for feeling alone and disenfranchised so WE can feel better? Damn hypocrites. It doesn’t matter,

The problem is unchecked power. Race is always an issue for a-holes though. But also disenfranchised whites, asians, hispanics and anyone who is poor is often the target for out of control police because they are ‘easy prey’. Good for Carmen Ponder, I hope this racist LEA jackass gets publicly shamed and barred from

The movie does look good. I hope it transfers the DCU to a FUN timeline.

Have fun being evil and uncultured Deadspin, I am sure it wont come back to haunt you.

Actually as someone who has personally faced racism BTTF makes fun of racism in its own dated ways. Dated, it was the 80s not 2017. Blazing Saddles as well could be considered very racist in the same way, except that it was spawned from the genius of the great Richard Pryor. Not to negate the racism latent in the way

A part of my childhood died when I found this to be the best way to deal with Solo’s ignoble death.

Friday nights? Finally.

7 points for effort, zero on the execution. A comedian has gotta know the room. I think this site has a love for BTTF; evermore since it spawned the glory that is “Rick and Morty”

The portents of Delphi do not bode well for the brothers Warner.

The makeup work is really great but still....no. Just no. Baby Groot is cuteness embodied, but man that cosplay is really creepy. The stuff of nightmares. Worse than Marvel Zombies creepy.

I thought he was talking about the Cosmos reboot.

I think you are right, I caught my cat socializing at the club the other night. I think she’s a double agent.

Is that Horta speak or Yoda speak?

I hope that the repeated action scenes do not mean that there is minimal ass kicking in the final movie.

Wow, so much crap is being vomited from Hollywood. Thank goodness at least FX and FXX has it’s shit together. Legion and Preacher have taken the mediocre ball that has become superhero shows and made it excellent.