Robin Swope

I love the hell out of the Inhumans, and Jack Kirby was my hero. I dont know what the hell this is suppose to be, Disney on Ice?

Except the NY Times if more than often full of shit itself.

We are going to bomb the crap out of them and China is going to send it troops and overthrow the regime, setting up another puppet state that will listen to Beijing. Read the tea leaves, it doesnt take a genius.

It’s where he started.

As the acidic rhetoric does not stop, the left think it is gaining ground on America, but the average guy is repulsed by the abject hate and vitriol spewed by party that has no focus, no leadership and no morality.

SHIELD keeps killing it’s best characters, and along with it, the audience. I’m done. This show is aimless.

Well, if one thing I have learned form hearing 50 years of this type of hype-crap every time a ‘scientist’ plots out the future it is ALWAYS incredibly wrong. Leave the visions of the future to the creatives, they get it right more often than the scientists do and often lead the scientists by the nose for their own

Anything for a good Grant!

Nothing like a good afternoon judgement based on cliche’s.

In a world of entertainment filled with multi-universe and alternate timeline adventures of Flash, Star Trek, X-Men, etc. How is this confusing? I think it’s a great idea and something I should watch. The original concept is a rich mine of material, let’s hope it is done well and with unrestrained talent.

White privilege? No, it is American privilege. You culturally illiterate narcissist. 

People who often make fun of others for stupid life incidents that could end in disaster, usually end up losing their own life through a stupid little life incident themselves. Matt.

Once again Marvel has problems as to how to handle Asians all the way around.

You people are the worst. Just hate filled scum bags. Wait till time catches up with you bigoted narrow minded elitists.

New voice, no watch.

With the thousands of years of Islamic science behind him and a good resume on his belt, it is a shame that he has to exploit African Americans to shoe in his college choice. This is Cultural Appropriation of the highest degree. Forget dread locks or other crap. This is a sad commentary on 21st Century American

Isn’t that like trying to find out who fathered a child after a gangbang? Nothing but miscellaneous DNA everywhere.