Robin Swope

Uninspiring. Like the rest of the show. The only thing about this I am looking forward to is Sonequa Martin-Green. 

So? And? Who cares? Are the stories gonna be good? I hope so, I had so much hope for Peter C. as the Doctor, but have been woefully disappointed at how they have used him. Make him freaking gay, that would be news, and about f****ing time, stop the perverted old man skirt chaser from acquiring women companions 1/3rd

Stallone is Galactus, Michael Rosenbaum is the Silver Surfer. Secret deal.

When people take too much time to examine others lives they are usually leaving their own lives a shamble.

Because I like things the people I dont like cant like the same things. How more iconoclast and bigoted can ya get folks? I think we need a new word for descent people, progressive has forever been tainted.

And with that, the show is not watched. So sad, such potential. For a company that wants to win over China Marvel sure does have an Asian issue.

Yeah, that’s what you can find out in print, but dont be deceived, Paramount is in control of all of it’s properties. Seriously, what is on paper doesnt fly in the board room or to the stock holders. Why do you think this is a cluster fuck? Too many studio heads too many cooks. And production creatives? They move

Rights does not production imply, it is a monetary reciprocity issue. Production is always at Paramount Studios under their guidance but in cooperation and oversight by CBS who had the property distribution rights. The production artists are Paramount staff or contracted talent.

The Beast CGI work is down right embarrassing in 2017.

Nope. He has hardly changed. You will not be able to say that.

Paramount never knows how to handle a franchise. Can you imagine a radical re-design of Darth Vader’s costume every movie? Most of us complain over slightness and yet does Paramount think this is going to endear the viewer? The makeup is bad enough but is this the cast from a new Riddick movie?

Look at all the nice peace loving, understanding people spreading hate. No, the American public isnt thinking you are being hypocrites. No, keep up the hate while saying you love and accept others. 21st Century progressives are quickly becoming like Fundamental Christians.

Except they euthanize pets at PETA. They are in bed with the immoral and inaptly named Humane Society Go to a no kill shelter, support them and promote them.

EVIL ROAD TRIP! YES! A thousand times yes. Dear Lord what chemistry they have.

YES! People aging is natural. Frakes bare chin is not!

Poor Brent Spiner. I remember he put himself behind this 110% because he ‘helped write the script’, I think this movie damaged his career in the eyes of Hollywood almost as much as it damaged the Trek franchise.

Star Wars 8: The Last Box Office (wasn’t big enough)

Whenever one portion of the population judges and dehumanizes another portion of the population, it isn’t about truth, just ice or rights. It is about power, money and influence. When will you Democrats grow up and put on the big boy pants? I used to vote Democrat. After this disgusting privileged propaganda that has

I’m still waiting for the networks to do “Young Mohammed” oh....wait.