Robin Swope

This and most of the modern politically correct rules are nothing but an ignorance of real life social and political behavior in hopes that this cleansing of history and human behavior will change human behavior for the better. Such actions are folly and will in the long run only lead to more violence and heinous

That’s the Rake. They could not afford Slenderman...

Dear God, they are stupiding up Doctor Strange....

First Red Tornado and now Superman. Is he sucking in his cheeks? Did Doomsday crush his skull or sumtin, his head looks very....disturbing. He also reeks of metero-sexuality, but doesn’t carry it well. Maybe his Appletini was too sour.

Nothing more unsettling than a Superman cosplayer with a visible micro penis.

As someone of Native American ancestry; you need to eat more fiber. Constantly looking at the negative causes blockage. Instead of dwelling about the past, do something to change the present. Contribute to a Native American charity for the 4th. But do your research, like any other charity groups, some are scams and

Most of the mysticism of Doctor Strange is based on the Spiritualist movement and the influence of Helena Blavatsky, not Asian mystic thought. Though it has been referred to as Eastern Mysticism or the New Age Movement in many circles it’s really a European spiritual movement. But I wish we would have had an old Asian

I really enjoyed this game. It wasn't outstanding, but it did immerse you in the DS9 universe and kill some Jem'Hadar! You must have done it wrong!

I really enjoyed this game. It wasn't outstanding, but it did immerse you in the DS9 universe and kill some Jem'Hadar! You must have done it wrong!

YES, YES and YES! I have been saying that for years!

Back in the 70s I ate a lot of Hashish trying to get psychic powers and blue eyes. Though it never tasted much like cinnamon.

Back in the 70s when I learned various martial arts I resolved to be like Caine and use my skills to only fight cowboys and rednecks. Then I read Carlos Castaneda and did a lot of LSD. But that is a story for another day.

These are wonderful! Thanks for highlighting them!

In muh galaxy fur fur awayz...

What is the world coming to when i09 has a positive article about the Tea Party? ...or something...