Robin Swope

Goldman! Nessie IS real.

With all the angst he has, he should have a volcanic ulcer.

With all the disparaging comments you can tell the author thinks he can do better that Martin or the producers, yet here he is working for Gawkerspawn.

No Namor. Universal owns Mr. Wingfoot.

I actually posted this on my blog. On April 1st.... ;)

So right off the get go you become factional. Not that you do not have a point, but there are idiots on both sides of the aisle. And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle. Reducing the opposition to simple stereotypes is the same dehumanizing behavior promoted by bigots.

I went to a Fundamentalist Christian College and D&D was not officially banned, but really frowned upon. So we played Gamma World and Villains and Vigilantes instead. I grew to love the post apocalyptic radioactive wasteland of Western Pennsylvania!

In another universe...

In the 70s there was also the urban legend that corn husk fiber and catnip could get you high as well. The corn husk fiber was very popular among agricultural communities. Huffing was also popular and kids experimented with anything they could get their hands on from Gasoline to "Locker Room" a smelly chemical

They think C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were pagan authors! It is nothing but brainless fundamentalist propaganda.

Sounds interesting.

Not my personal fantasy, but it sure is with most of the younger guys I know. They act like she is a MacGuffin instead of a human being (who would want nothing to do with them).

Crying, Jason ripped the cyborg's brains out.

The creator of Slenderman is asking for a fee for the use of the name lately. Monsters and Mysteries in America had to reshoot last weeks episode from Slenderman to The Rake because he wanted too much money for the name.

At least they got the 'Harumph" at the end right. And very spooky too. Godzilla's scream is nothing without the "Harumph".

Our generation has lost it's most observant and introspective comedic talent/critic. His take on the baby boomer era was both maddeningly hilarious and underlined with honest spirituality on a personal level that no one before or since had the depth to aspire to. Thank you for the ride Mr. Ramis, may you find peace

Perhaps they could not afford Jackson anymore, so we get a new Nick.

After the horrid movie, I stayed far away from the show until the reviews lured me in. And then I was hooked.

Which makes the episode of DS9 where he is killed and replaced by an alternate universe self much more disturbing.