Robin Swope
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I always wanted to see a Doctor Strange movie using "The Straightener" from Volume 4.

It's awesome that the street maintenance guy is not phased at all. He has truly seen things that would melt your soul.

In no way is this going to be a disaster. I bet Bruce and the Joker were actually...best friends in High School!

This one is an underrated classic.

As an author and researcher of such things, I can tell you personally that your statement is false. Some do come forward, but many do not.

Craig has always been pretty rational when it comes to stuff like this. this has been a thriving year for Bigfoot hoaxes. From the extravagant to the simple. It is one of the reasons why people who actually see something unexplained do not come forward and keep it a secret.

Christianity as well as Islam helped preserve historical and scientific documents.

The Ancient One. Mentor of Doctor Strange.

The Gamma 3 from The Green Slime 1968.

I did not know that Putin was a Time Lord!

Sometimes having a famous rock star compose songs for TV or Film does not go well.

Nerd was reintroduced through the TV series Happy Days. I remember when it happened, nobody my age (middle school) knew what it meant, then after the show first used it, it was the go to word for the unpopular kids.

You forgot one that I always found interesting. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah the Prophet battles the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. They offer sacrifices and whatever diety that can consume the offering with fire by itself is the true God. When Baal's prophets dance, plead and cut themselves to have Baal consume the

It's a metaphor for how mankind wrestles with God in almost every aspect of life, and how often after wrestling with God, we are the worse for the wear. We sometimes do not get answered prayer or things do not turn out how we wish. Jacob asked for a blessing and would not give up. It gives meaning to wrestling with

The pigs being unclean and the demons being unclean (Demons in Hellenistic Hebrew thought were spirits that lurk in graveyards- a ceremonial unclean area) Jesus assigned the to destroy themselves as a metaphor for the destruction of evil. Others in the Exorcism field believe that the spirits of Legion were forced

Strich's answer is the most accepted in Protestant theological interpretation. There is no context and no subtext to the connection of the fig tree to the Tree of Good and Evil. The Tree of Good and Evil is an ancient Semetic origin tale, whereas the Fig Tree, is in context with the synoptic Gospels equated with