Robin Swope

Awesome. Better than most TV FX.

If you looked close at John Hurt's transformation in the Day of the Doctor, you can see that he regenerates into Peter Capaldi. The Doctor will die and live at the same time through a weird plot twist.

I beat you to it yesterday. :)

How life imitates art....

Just the comic, not the movie.

I would rather have a plus sized Wonder Woman than the anorexic girl they chose. Perhaps the reason for leaving the island will be a famine then?

I wish he would have just picked an original story. His handling of the Trek franchise makes me very nervous about Star Wars.

Well, not as bad as most of the first season or half the second. But with this being the last season and they knew it, and thus filling in the last episodes with this silly story was a waste of resources. Just think what they could have done with the characters in a good story. Instead we got this; with an interesting

Left out quite a few. Here in NW PA they missed the Sheepman of Watterford.

From its first airing, this episode has been much loved by many. I remember playing the Gorn to my friends Kirk and Spock on many a 70s afternoon. Based on a great little classic short story to boot.

Why? Seriously. Why? The writers must have been eating too much psilocybin mushrooms.

It must have sounded funny in the writers room. Too bad it actually was fleshed out and written, let alone produced.

I liked that episode, it was very disturbing.

I remember groaning the whole time this episode was on. I almost lost hope for DS9. Thank goodness things got better after season 1.

I sit just me or did Hurt's Doctor transform into Capaldi?

I think it is the other way around. People see phenomenon and associate it with their own world view. Most sightings of UFOs can be explained, but there remains a few that are very perplexing. Just a precursory view of sightings can make one think it is just misidentification. I believe some sightings are earth forces

As someone who has seen (a giant triangle ship during the Hudson River flap of the 1980s) and writes about UFO occurrences, my first thought is always Government.

Fortean Times always has an updated Strange Death list.