Robin Swope

In the 70s many people talked about having LSD flashbacks, it was in the media and even in old anti-drug educational films shown in High Schools at the time. So it was common knowledge in the 70s, way before trying to tie in the 60s with the 90s. People were tying the 60s use to the 70s, except there was a lot of acid

The father of Thanos. But I forget his name....

It would be awesome if the Defenders was based on the original team, and not the horrible New Defenders and the latest iteration. Bring in Roy Thomas to write it!

Ah the days of Full Moon Entertainments VHS masterpieces!

My theory on Ward and Skye. They will become lovers and find out that they are brother and sister. The clues are all there.

He had the same hair 2 years ago when I met him at the Eerie Horrorfest.

The android sat crying in the dark corner of his room.

Thor did use the belt in the Lee Kirby days.

The Hudson River Valley was the site of a very long UFO flap during the 1980s. I myself saw one of them in 1987 (a giant triangle). Famous UFO researcher Allen J. Hynek's last book "Night Siege" recounts those sightings.

Tweed, while not from the Revolutionary War Era is very close to Sleepy Hollow (just across the river). It has a reputation for being a Hell Mouth, a Satanic Ritual Site and has been the location of many midnight sightings of mysterious hooded men dressed in black. The Iceman, a Mafia hitman (on whom Tony Soprano was

Is it just me? When I started to read some of the negative comments here the voice I heard in my mind was of the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons?

I used to work at a cemetery as a grave digger. The grounds had a thick layer of clay at 4 feet under the surface and made a lot of the corpses turn waxy. We had to disinter many stinky blobs of waxy goo (the undertakers on scene always had to open the coffins) and put them elsewhere.

That a fictional demonic creation is supposedly actually manifesting itself is frightening.

I would like a show that focuses on the TNG era and plays catch up with TNG and DS9. For decades Paramount wasted the TOS crew and they are doing it with the TNG era. Give me Admiral Sulu, Captain Riker, Odo, Rom and have Ron Moore produce it.

After decades of Hollywood reinventing Marvel's heroes into hollow caricatures, you would think that the studios would get a clue and not mess with the source material. If they want diversity, how about giving us a good Black Panther or Luke Cage? A Hero for Hire TV series would be awesome. And why does Agents of

If nobody watches will Orci berate the fans?

I think that reference qualifies Enterprise to be in the Abrams timeline instead of the Roddenberry one. It would explain a lot.

You forgot Space: Above and Beyond. Most of the crew is waiting to die as they free fall without shields into a planet's atmosphere.