Miss Gradenko

No, sails don’t fall into the ocean when the wind dies to become several hundred pounds of wet nonsense you have to deal with.

Gary Larson solved the case years ago

This is an even better comment if read outloud in a Bulgarian or Russian accent.

But Ford itself says that the average daily range for commercial vans in the US is only 74 miles.”

The rock band (The Tubes, for god’s sake) merging with the big band was the trippy part for me.

Xanadu is a beautiful, awful movie... and the title song is the ring tone on my phone when my wife calls. I guess that makes it clear where I stand. :)

“On the next episode of YEETBros™️…”

FWIW, I have a decent wheel that I use for iracing and I hated it in FH4. With physics turned to sim or arcade, it just felt really unnatural on dirt or snow. Looking online, it seems lots of people had the same experience even after spending a long time tuning the game and wheel settings. Personally I just embraced

I get the controller sentiment. Part of the issue is I instinctively choose Simulation handling when I play games like this, but in Forza’s case, sim physics are really meant only for wheel users. It makes managing oversteer really haphazard and disconnected on a pad. Sticking with Normal in FH5, I’ve had a really

When I was little, I used to refer to playing with my Matchbox and Hotwheels as simply just “playing cars”. That’s what FH is to me. It’s playing cars. Like the same kind of fun that I had as a kid. I can do pretty much what I want in there on my own time and in my own way. As you note, the price of entry is cheap.

I appreciate the IDEA, but man, that execution just doesn’t do it for me. Should have left the outside looking closer to factory, the interior looks like they got to the week before they needed to show it and all said ‘Fuck it, just cram the new stuff in there!’ and that tablet stuck to the dash looks.. well, shit.

It’s a mute point these days. The internet is chalk full of bad grammar. Irregardless, I could care less.

Tag line: Don’t be a cuck, buy our truck.

I think we need to go further, tap into their ultra manliness, describe how using this truck basically turns them into Thor the God of the Thunder with a sick guitar solo playing in the background.

Most trucks don’t have this, and the ones that do are beat up shitty old trucks that will never be replaced because they owners are living off government money while screaming about how much they hate Socialism...

It happens all the time. Muscle memory is great, but when it glitches it sure can fuck you up in a big hurry.

They accidentally installed a Toyota Camry brake pedal.

Frankly I’d be more surprised if she was straight

For a mere $130,000, you can own this second hand Cobra H.I.S.S. Weapons not included. Slight battle damage.  That’s a pretty good deal.

I’m wondering about the Oldsmobile? Woody Wagon