Miss Gradenko

You might fall down a Floyd hole.

Well it’s a good thing they just invested in an electric car company. Problem solved!

I’d been wondering about this game, but since it’s PS-exclusive I won’t be getting it. I do have a soft spot for post-apocalypse though.

I’d never heard of Jawa until Mister Gradenko and I were on holiday last week in Prague, and saw a bunch of them at the Prague Technical Museum. Fun fact, “JaWa” was formed from the names of the Czech design company and German manufacturer that made the bikes.

I was expecting WOW to be at the bottom of the list. Maybe I’m not peering far enough down the well.

“Study a broad? You betcha!”

I’m with you both, except that I do brave solo que just bc my gaming time is pretty random and short. Sometimes I make new friends, sometimes not.

I’m with you on that - except I wonder if having the next big bad also being from outer space might be a bit repetitive. Admittedly there aren’t a lot of places beside space and “mysticism” that can serve up worlds-destroying villains.

I want Carol to bring news of Galactus. The first big bad she can’t just punch out. Maybe Talos tells her one way or another about the Devourer of Worlds. AN MCU remake of Silver Surfer with the Avengers introducing the X-men.

Hmm, Punt a couple of years, Siege Perilous or Secret Wars, bring ‘em on home.

I’d be into it. Funny, I own a Saab as well, not sure I’m ready to trade it for an EV.

I am totally on that bandwagon. I’ve commented here and there for months that Secret Wars 2015 would be a great Phase N (I forget what we’re up to now). It’d be a great way to bring it former Fox-licensed characters if they chose, at the very least, a Doctor Doom.

Whenever I read about examples like these, I’m always wondering how it played out. Like, what was the tone? Jokey? Menacing? A little of both. I’m not questioning what happened. It’s more, whoever did it, how did they think this would play? How did they think this would even remotely be considered acceptable? And then

Just reading all that, you must have to spend more time finding parts on the interwebz than wrenching.

JFC if they make Coulson into “the Unseen” I will squeal with delight.

I kept reading that into the headline. Aliens v Ape crossover. I’m note sure if I want Charleton-Heston-Xenomorph storyline or an Alien movie with apes instead of humans.

For reals, they will have people in xenomorph costumes walking around. Folks will love to get their pictures taken. They might even add it to the character passport kids use to try and get their pix snapped with all the characters.

Bill and ted Kill Bill.

I’ll bet that including the TV shows is part of what limits their global availability - film and TV limit manage distribution rights by region.

Maybe Runaways could bring in Karolina’s Skrull prince/ss?