I don't discount your experience at Oak Alley, but when I went there were definitely reconstructed slave houses in the back that they featured on their tour.
I don't discount your experience at Oak Alley, but when I went there were definitely reconstructed slave houses in the back that they featured on their tour.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, but damn that lady had some serious road rage. I'm an overly conscientious driver because I live in Florida and everyone seems to have a gun, and I'm not taking a chance that someone had a bad day and can't wait to take it out on that bitch who pulled out in front.
I don't appreciate the tone of this article. Diane doesn't give a shit what slobs like you think about her effort. She just wants to see if she can swim the Straights. Jellyfish were fucking things up, so she solved that problem and went back in the water. Good luck to her.
oh my god, do you actually have to worry about someone barfing in the machine? Don't those things lock automatically??
I'm with ya on the clean sheets/clean body=heaven, Lindy. Even when I was single I washed them once a week. And I love smelling the bleach on my beautiful starchy white sheets. However, I own my own washer/dryer, so I can imagine it would suck to have to pay out every week for that.
I had very bad cystic acne two years ago. I got myself a job that provided health insurance so I visited the Derm. Not very helpful. A slew of products that were smelly and dried out my face somethin' awful. That sulphur stuff didn't do shit. I read on some online forum that milk could cause awful acne, so I figured…
My first thought was wizards, to be honest.
Did you ever think you might have been visited by some aliens or wizards who erased the meeting from your memory? Because that is exactly what I will believe happened to you.
I'm going to give you a more tongue and cheek answer because that's all I got.
I agree with JulieBwood, the potential buyers will most likely have the place inspected, so you really won't have to say anything. However, I know what its like to have to live in a shithole because its all you can afford, and I definitely know how good revenge would feel against a crap landlord, so as long as it's…
This is going to sound super lame, but I enjoyed studying for it and taking the practice exams. I had so many 'A-ha!' moments because its all stuff you learned before but forgot, so relearning is a bit easier and being able to get the answers correct was satisfying. Make sure you give yourself plenty of study time…
"Maybe if I don't think about it, my body will just forget to have it." Nope.
I can't really say that it was anything more than I thought she was strange and irritating. We had been in the same classes since elementary school so proximity exacerbated the problem. As I grew into an adult, I learned how to better handle people that I found annoying. I'm certain we'd never have more than a…
I admit I was a bully in middle school. I felt bad about it when I grew up. I've been supportive of the girl I bullied "Liking" her updates about one of her bazillion kids or sewing a new long skirt because that's what Jesus would have wanted. Ya know, I still think she's a weirdo, but she found her niche and a…
I'm a New Englander transplanted in Florida. Its all weird to me.
That guy sounds like a little shit. Speaking on behalf of PhD students with spouses, its a fuckin' lot of work and I have known relationships to fall apart mid-program because of that very reason. I also know that the seasoned authors will always thank their spouses in the acknowledgements. It sounds like he does not…
Gorgeous. She has such a baby face, though. How old is she again?
Evil step-mother? My boyfriend has one. She's a gold-digging fake Southern bitch who begrudged every single penny of child-support when the boys were growing up. The first time I met her, she told me how awful my bf's mom and his brother is (his brother basically disowned Dad, and hasn't spoken to him since he turned…
I'm a snob about manners...actually just general courtesy. Holding open doors for people behind you, waiting your turn in line, sending 'thank you' cards. Thinking of others goes a long way in my book, and I internally judge anyone who is not courteous.
I lived in Sierra Leone. We had plenty of those cast-off shirts. People knew what the shirts said. Some even have a sense of humor. It comes down to it being just a shirt, and no one cares more about it than that.