I didn't date at all in college. In grad school I dated someone who treated me like garbage. And then I moved to my new job and fell in love with my neighbor and we just bought a house down the street. So, there is romance after college.
I didn't date at all in college. In grad school I dated someone who treated me like garbage. And then I moved to my new job and fell in love with my neighbor and we just bought a house down the street. So, there is romance after college.
Thanks for sharing that! It was awesome! That girl!
Nope, I wouldn't. But I own my own place in the country, and my chickens just bum around all day. I don't expect anything from them except to eat all the bugs in my yard (which they do a wonderful job). Mine are actual pets. I'm no farmer.
Yeah, I have two, and I would never describe them as high maintenance. I like to hang out with them because I think they're funny, but they just roam our yard most of the day and then file in their house for the evening. They definitely let you know when they're hungry, though!
I'm with you. My chickens were never very good layers to begin with (we live in South Florida, so they tend to lay fewer eggs in the heat), but they made wonderful pets. They love eating all the buggy critters in my yard. They don't require much; fresh water daily and some nibbles, but I honestly feel like they enjoy…
Yay! Me, too! I've always wanted chickens as pets. Sure there is the perk that they lay eggs, but here is a bird that is big enough to hold and won't fly away from you and doesn't try to peck out your eyes. I have two hens, and they follow me around the yard and I do cuddle them (but we've had them since they were…
Because mine are pets. I can no more think of eating them than my cat or dogs.
She looks like our Kitty Kitty. I'm going to sound really horrible, but I hope that KK doesn't make it to 21. She's 10 now and the meanest cat I've ever known.
Read the horrible guy profiles on OKCupid, and you'll remember how lucky you are. Seriously, guys out there suck.
It's all about being kind to one another. Sometimes I get scared of how much I love him, which just makes me appreciate him all the more and I make sure he knows that everyday.
I know its only 1:36, but I could not get through more than 30 seconds of that sad attempt at creativity.
My step MIL is like that family friend. She just "Liked" Paula Deen on Facebook, and always has very racist things to say about Obama. We had it out over New Years, and I haven't spoken to her since. Worse still, she hasn't spoken to my husband who she claimed she loved whole-heartedly. She's a gold digger, and we're…
Within the first year of getting my very own dog, I met a man with whom I've had my first real LTR after 24 years of being alone. Me, my fiance, and my dog are now a happy family!
He tried it. "Oops."
If he's so pro-death penalty, can't I just say I'm having this abortion because this fetus DEFINTELY has the potential to be a murderer, and I'm just saving the State money from having to go through a future costly death penalty trial. Like Minority Report! Rick Perry likes that movie!!
Why the hell was he on Morning Joe in the first place?
I'm a size 8 and I can't find shit. Mall shopping is a waste. I'm glad I wear a uniform to work.
Yes, generally, you put an offer in and it is accepted prior to hiring an inspector. You have around 7-10 days to get the place inspected before you are locked into that contract. The inspection cost us $450, but thats with insurance mitigation as well (we live in a hurricane prone area). If the inspector finds…