You're obviously now speeding up brain function in your fingers. Duh!
You're obviously now speeding up brain function in your fingers. Duh!
Please... PLEASE let the original trilogy be unaltered...............
To those saying she should have won a Darwin award, I have a story to tell:
@pliSkiNAKE: I once had a problem with people drawing penises on my door. Living in the dorms at the time, it could have been anybody. Solution? Taping an external webcam to my peephole. Worked like a charm!
@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: Uncharted 2 was beautiful—a shining example of the benefits of doing things the old fashioned way (when it came to its facial animation anyway, everything else was motion captured). The advantage of manual keyframe animation is that it provides for larger, more exaggerated expressions,…
@im2fools: Slight correction, the idea of the uncanny valley is that at a certain point of realism, it's not disturbing anymore. It's just really really hard to get that realistic. Things get worse before they get better. I can't say whether this has conquered the valley until I've played it (personally, I think…
@resu427: [Insert David Attenburough impression]
Coming from someone who does 3D animation, I think this is awesome technology. I really really do. I think it captures subtleties better than manually animating can.
@romevi04: considering the app might help me save that much just by virtue of time/energy (not to mention a $5-10 meal I might mistakenly order otherwise) I would think 10 dollars is a bargain.
@resu427: what does it say? what does it say!?
@resu427: what does it say? what does it say!?
@resu427: what does it say? what does it say!?
@ho0lee0h: The pad in the middle with the silver dimples I think will act in place of the analog sticks. The only downgrade I can see here is the lack of a second row of shoulder buttons, but we'll see how it plays out.
That looks.... pretty sweet, actually
As long as we don't use a robot to investigate life there, I'm fine.
@Haste75: Ditto.
I worked at a Walmart near downtown Chicago at 3:00 AM. It was a mob. Televisions were the first thing on anyone's mind, and the line ran right past the candy aisles. Manners don't exist on Black Friday so there were candy wrappers and half-empty soda bottles put right back in the bins they came from. Fights broke…
@Man_in_Gauze: Inspector gadget?
I spent four years at SAIC, I'll never understand art.
@medopal, medohack: Take geckos, for example. Common sense would indicate that the way in which they cling to surfaces is by using their suction-cup-like toes. After all, they're shaped like suction cups, and that's what they use to cling to surfaces. But it wasn't until thorough research was done that microscopic…