You should have said Toaster Oven HANDLE in the title! I thought the kitten was what caught fire! You've planted horrible visions in my mind of a flaming kitten running around setting fire to everything! And now it's in the minds of everyone who's reading this! HOW DARE YOU!?
@archronos: This one's my favorite
@E rac: To be fair, it's been a while since I've seen the original Tron. I suppose the best thing to say would be that it could be the idea of the original Tron that I like—the stuff I remember. I just hope this one doesn't lean on special effects or action to create the story for it.
I think my eyes just got cavities.
All I can say is... they better not screw it up.
I didn't know Sony had an approval process. Especially for big-return games like Little Big Planet.
@Rolfmaomachizlin: I wish! That'd be awesome .
Proper scientific tests are repeated to ensure reliability. One judge? Let's not jump to conclusions. Unless this bot can convince judges 50% of the time against a real human being, I won't be telling anyone the Turing test has been passed.
Elliott: You're in a desert, walking along when you look down and you see a tortoise, Suzette. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.
I think the biggest issue here is that these iDevices aren't meant to stand up on their own. The iPad is wonderful, and perfectly capable of content creation, but as is, can't be booted up fresh out of the box (from what I understand). If it had a file system similar to a laptop, I could understand, but it's built…
I like the Target one.
@bigngamer: Very true! Tell that to the college I went to, though. SAIC requires the big apple logo on our laptops, unfortunately (also required to be laptops).
My guess is that the bullet gains lateral momentum from spinning as it leaves the barrel. When it hits the ice, the bullet loses its forward momentum, while its lateral momentum allows it to continue spinning, given the low-friction surface of the ice.
@tundraboy: That's awesome.
@KeineLust90: You mean like this???