
They make games. Fun is fully integrated into their job. That goes for both enabling it in their players and having it themselves.

I’m as much of a stickler as the next person (in fact probably more, I hate portrait mode for most things) but in this case I think the vertical nature of lightning warrants it.

That thing looks awesome!

How thick a batch of this stuff can one make at a time? Does only the surface of this material harden due to its exposure to CO2? Or does the CO2 penetrate the whole mixture?

I thought at first the shot on the LEFT was the fake one (because of what I thought was the HUD)

Loved the animation.

It would seem that for any such puzzle of size X, the true statement is the one in the X - 1 position.

That would be true if the statements read: "At least X of these statements is true," but instead the puzzle uses the word "exactly."

Ah but we're comparing apples and oranges. It seems like you're talking about control, I'm talking about immersion.

I think the controllers would actually enhance the immersion over gloves. Why? Player expectations and tactile feedback.

This should be required viewing for all living things.

Baptism was around way before Jesus. That's part of what puts it in relatively few scriptures compared to belief-in-Christ, for example. It was already a well-known practice, no one questioned it.

I do like that idea, but if your tank gets stuck or runs out of fuel it's basically a large coffin.

I'm guessing you're not a fan of the flip-flops?

Fantastic article... Just amazing stuff. This is the kind of thing I like to hear about that I never knew was going on. Seems like these guys are doing a real stand-up thing.

Quint said it above, but just imagine if there was a Mario-Kart style ghost of the first monk, recreating his path from the first day. At some point, the monk will meet the ghost. Problem solved.

I dunno, I see your point about the habitable planets thing, but I mean, Mars is habitable. We're still going to have to terraform it before we can take our suits off.

The best reason I can think of to send the entire internet (PornHub and kittens and all) is summed up in one word: transparency.

Easy! They might try to colonize Earth because, unlike most other planets, ours is readily habitable. That's the most valuable resource of all, in my opinion.

In this case, I really didn't know. I'd venture to say most people probably don't know about the history of the shipping container.