
Thank God; I was wondering when science was going to invent Viagra for beetles.

IBM has a really cool “experience center” at their Watson Headquarters where they walk you through some case studies of what Watson can do. There was a medical one that really stuck out to me...it was a case study demonstrating the advantages Watson has over humans in diagnosis.

nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU

The round trip flight without wind will take less time than the round trip with wind. Here is why:

Just because the moon has no effect on humans now (post-industrialization) that doesn’t mean that the moon didn’t have a huge effect before artificial light.

So let’s all stop blaming the moon for interfering with our affairs

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.

Im sure this is just the japanese commercial for the watch

It's basically a super hickey machine

For those of you who freak out over BPA, stop worrying about water bottles and cans - they’re mostly BPA-free or poor leechers of BPA. The major source of BPA exposure is thermal receipts (those fast printing receipts you get at the grocery store). They use non-bound BPA as a color developer - it’s far more

I'm actually researching around this exact phenomenon, only with chloride salts on stainless steels, rather than sugars in boiled sweets (far less tasty...).

Duracell is also announcing a battery for electric cars later this year. It recharges from a handy spout you pour gasoline in.

They're gaining the research and test results which will one day allow them to successfully land a rocket on an unmanned barge.

What if we started putting pictures of hammers on the rocks, then slowly changed the shape of the rock to match the outline of the hammer, then started making the eggs thinner and thinner until they were nails...could they then build their own civilization?

Spiders can be cute. I <3 Spiders almost as much as I <3 Bats.

Pretty cool, but let’s be clear; this is a standard processor, hard drive and motherboard. It’s the case that’s build out of Legos. This has been done a lot.

"Seconds as opposed to hours"


Upon witnessing an invention of Michael Faraday's which converted electromagnetism to "electricity":
Student: "Professor, of what use is this [strange useless device]"?