
nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU

But... but... butt... it is not stealing. I am not taking anything physical. And it is not like I am taking people's hard work from them. I would not have bought the game in the first place. So all these mental gymnastic exercises give me the moral superiority to do what I want. And so what if it is illegal?

A plastic tablet was also unearthed just under the topsoil:

I see they used an AIN substrate to handle the CAM overload. An unusual approach, considering it could have been done more efficiently with a micro-ball grid array.

Just put a QFP in the rat's nest and solder ball the probe card and you're set!

It's like whoever designed this card just googled "circutry jargon" and

Because a photon has zero rest mass.