
I see a lot of criticisms for this article in the comments, but I loved it.

Are those vertically oriented headphone/microphone jacks?

@Last Face: Good point! Now I feel ignorant!

(pre Princess-and-the-Frog)

Gizmodo @ 0:42!

I have a Novint Falcon—bought it a couple years ago (well, it was a gift)

This should be the next shooting challenge!

@Squalor: What does it meeeeeen?!

@Wolf_Dog: Also, not that it matters, but a helpful suggestion; what I've seen people do for spoilers is hide the spoiler in a reply.

I had the same idea!!

@Stem_Sell: Let's hope the price doesn't inflate too much!

@Vidikron: While the price of helium inflates, the value of those tanks could really rise!

@Lord_Data ∞: Oh it gets cooler than that. In west Africa, a long time ago, there was a naturally occurring (get this) nuclear reactor.

@Smitty: nah, just strobe-cam