
I refuse to buy ice cream from this robot. I'm not anti-robot by any means, but something in me is fundamentally against this, as a matter of principle..

@dsh: Hey! I was gonna post this!

@Cake Tank!: Right. I for one, would like to see what kind of quality we can see from 12 years of work.

@Cake Tank!: As far as I know, the game is pretty far into development. Someone who's played it apparently said that "they've been working." Hopefully gearbox's work won't be much more than just finishing it. Hopefully.

@shalegac: For a moment I thought the guy in the picture was wearing the watch

It depends. For the most part, I like to have full immersion, and much of the time, that means first-person (the Half-Life series handles this especially well) but on the other hand, third person is more flexible, and allows for more maneuverability (Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed, etc.)

@Robert Anhalt: What's wrong with understanding and implementing successful business practices? You seem kinda upset.

looks like something outta Myst

duplicate comment

I have ADD, and I'm always spinning my phone on my finger. ALWAYS. If I weren't typing, I'd probably be doing it now. Before that, it was my keys, and before that, it was plucking beard hairs, cracking knuckles... you name it. I fidget with my hands twenty. four. seven.


Only six hours? Given that there's six movies and they're over an hour each, that's super DUPER fast.

@Nowell: I just lost the game. Thanks.

@darthvolta: Shake it out? The pieces would have to be very secure to the bottom, but that's how I'd do it. Probably.