
They tried this with pinball machines, sort of. The better the player was, the higher the high score had to be in order to get an 'extra ball'. Players wound up frustrated because there was no set standard for score rewards. People sometimes look to that as one of the (admittedly many) factors in why people eventually

@Ccomfort: And then weld it in there, right?!

Congrats Jason. Good to man up, especially three years later, when most everybody would've forgotten about it, anyway. It takes humility to admit to fault when risk is low.

Gimme a welder's kit and I'll fix that, no problem.

Looks like The Incredible Machine to me. Anyone remember that game?

I went to the site, and I don't see it changing...

@iidebaser: The war between Roboscooper and humans continues. Over time, one man rises above the rest as an invaluable military strategist. The war turns in our favor, until our spies confirm that Roboscooper is dabbling in time travel technology...

I wonder if this study will be affected by that other find regarding the size of the proton?

@Nitesh Singh: Scientists must really be buzzing with excitement.

@CaptainJack: I think the benefit is in surface area.

@Cheznor: The 'gangsta' talk was meant to be humorous.

@Ketna: It's funny, I actually wrote that as a sort of joke, but apparently, that's what really happened. According to paleontologists, Triceratops was named first, and has priority over the name.

@Cheznor: I doubt it was intentional. These people have to scour the internet faster than everyone else in order to keep up, and most of the time they're right—but nobody's perfect. In fact, the whole reason they have a comments section is to allow readers to discuss the article amongst themselves. You could have


Valve has a matchmaking service?

I wonder if he's considered doing interiors as well.