
@Dunadan: Let's just hope it doesn't suffer from soaring prices!

This design could really take off!

@elvisml2: Not with that attitude...

I'm all for 3d stuff. Let me make that perfectly clear.

@AvidBlogger: Maybe I should come up with a new Easter egg for the next one.

@AvidBlogger: HAHA I never thought anyone would ever actually scan the barcode!

I predict that at least some point, there may be windows on a multitouch interface, but they will be upside-down, and the bar that's at the top will be at the bottom, so we don't have to obscure the window when dragging it around, or when we bring up menu bars. I don't know if it's already been done, but my guess is

Shut your eyes, don't look at it, no matter what happens!

I love creativity like this. Call it avoiding-competition all you want... this is unique, and that's what important in any advertisement.

I know the answer is probably no, but is it possible to do away with the electrons component altogether?

I totally dig this idea. One thing I have to know first.


@bmanlikewoah: At the risk of sounding like a know-it-all, the bible didn't actually mention apples in Genesis (I was surprised too) (I assume you're talking about Adam and Eve?). What they ate was only ever referred to as fruit. I've heard people say it could've been an orange, because apple trees didn't appear on

Unless I can use it for pointing at a screen, I will never use this. Realism needs to be considered for its purpose: holding a realistic gun in your hand isn't just for the feel of it—guns are meant to be pointed, and this one doesn't do that. I would constantly be fighting the frustration felt when

A whole analog stick devoted to that? Make it a start menu option, but don't sacrifice precious controller inputs for it.

Four gigabytes? Dick Cheney's new pacemaker could hold more than that.