
@pettiblay: 100%? I personally know at least one or two iPhone 4 users who have tested their phone side-by-side with another iPhone 4 going through the antenna problems, and not experiencing them.

wait wait wait a minute... Are we sure that's not just reflected imagery? the pyramid being made of glass may certainly make it appear that the objects are inside, but it doesn't look like it'll have that feel of being a real 3d object, as opposed to a reflected 2d one.


Those aliens don't stand a chance.

@Skutarth: Big companies make mistakes, too. Since signal strength measurement hasn't become a standard yet, cell phone makers often need to rely on their own ideas of what constitutes a a good or bad spread of signal strengths to determine the bar displays. Instead of accusing Apple of lying, why not simply go with

Quick reach?! You have to walk between a 15 foot expanse of one-sided counter-top space to get things done!

It's funny how the more controversial or opinionated a post is, the longer the comments seem to be.

@Jaredu: Maya all da way. Although I've gone through quite a few. Lol started off in Amorphium when I was really little, moved up to Bryce 5, then to Poser, then a little 3ds Max, finally landing in the big leagues about three years ago. Since then, I've been exposed to zBrush, but Maya is the one for me.

@Jaredu: You get a heart, cuz you do 3D, too

@AdamKaoru: I actually was kinda interested in this. The psychology behind the change in bar height is intriguing, and it lets me know, in a tangible way, the lengths (get it?) that companies will go to make their products appear as favorable as possible.

@JeffPom: I agree it's a little misleading... But "borders on illegal"?? Come on.

@Shamoononon: yeah I was thinking the same thing, that doesn't seem like much. Especially for designing something to house men on the moon??!

@DarqWolff: Not to extend the battle, (I agree that it's gone on too long) but rather to explain, being a troll isn't about your history of contribution. If I contribute much, but then make a troll-like comment, someone is entitled to call me out on it during that conversation. The trollish comment I'm identifying in

You mean, this long walk?