
Met this guy online after only seeing one photo. When he showed up for our date, I realized that the photo turned out to be extreeeemely flattering. We went to a bar and had beer, he ordered pitchers but when they arrived only sipped his first glass because he was driving. I was a bit nervous and (this is bad I know)

I was an aupair in Ireland when I was 19-20 (15 years ago now) and had a great time which was relatively lucky because I’d hear stories from other girls whose host families did not sound like much fun.

What a shit answer to that Canadian lady. «You might not even be fertile» is so fucking passive-agressive.

SAME. I’m in Canada so first I had flashbacks from last February, then I just laughed at the sight of them walking into that storm without hoods or anything to cover their ears..

Cyril? Seerul? Sharul? Ceereel? :-/

Here’s one that haunts me ten years on: I worked for a summer as a student employee in the communications department of one of the faculties of my undergrad uni. The summer went by fine. On my last day, my coworkers took me out for lunch and I period bled through my skirt BUT this is not even what haunts me. As I was

It’s related to anxiety and can be (sorta) fixed with cognitive therapy, or with tricks like the seven-second rule.

Seems to have gone fine.. I look forward to the official apology, I have a feeling it’ll happen.

Hear feckin’ hear

Was his ass photoshopped or... :-/

Ugh, there’s still people saying this boring crap two years later? I didn’t vote for the guy but can at least recognize the morale boost he’s given the country. And his sultry looks.

Also I think she SO didn’t want to sing the song that she did only one take. ONE TAKE. It came out like the record, that’s it, that’s all. Céline is such a fantastic singer. I like her a lot more in French and I don’t like most of the song choice that they’ve made for her throughout her career but what a voice.

I’m certain you will, it can take a bit of time to find something you really like but the trick is to stay positive and happy. Sometimes, as the old cliché kinda goes, things, seem their darkest right before getting really bright. I’d been turned down for three big permanent jobs and although they-in retrospect- would

That sounds really awesome. Tomorrow, sleep in and then go get a massage. Perfect weekend achieved!

Your plants are making me HUNGRY! So gorgeous!

Congrats on finishing grad school! That’s a big one!

That’s awesome lol

I just saw him in a video with Pat Smear where they visit Bowie-themed LA places- he looked fine. I think he should cut his hair at some point though.

Yes! I gave directions to a (very nice and polite) Chinese woman last week. While I was showing her a map on my phone, she stood so close to me that her head touched mine and she stayed like that for the duration of my indications which was... intimate.

I hate people as well but you sound really rude.