
You’re going to have a fantastic time, I visited last year and was just mesmerized by the city.

Didn’t Alicia use to have pretty bad skin? Looks like she doesn’t anymore, wears really minimal makeup and promotes a no-makeup look which is a total breath of fresh air after years of having to look at kontouring.

Dumpy, chinless and wide-hipped. Sometimes, I see people and think ‘wow, I really wouldn’t want to see this person naked’. He’s definitely one of them.

Taylor Swift, and big huge stars such like that, are very concerned with not alienating their audience in order to maintain their brand and continue being rewarded by the Mighty God Dollar. That’$ the bottom line!

lol same here: MY GOD IT MUST BE CANC— ooh right, I had borscht last night.

Yes, he totally looks like Charles the older he gets- the beak, the close-set eyes and the eyebrows.

How nice for the baby

I’m sure you’ll come across something interesting/fun/intriguing going on! Not in Central Park, but I once stumbled across a Sesame Street shoot in a NYC park, with the puppeteers etc- I was quite excited as you can imagine.

A mother bear with her cubs!

Poor Molly...

I work for a bank as a non-finance professional and I must say that the fucking douchey bros all over the place acting like they’re hot shit are really a huge downside of the job.

YES I was totally thinking Chad

It’s totally realistic- if I were you I’d make sure to pack some sort of lunch or snacks to remove the possibility of being hungry and wandering around looking for something to eat which is no fun. The park is gorgeous and full of interesting features, people doing different activities, quiet nooks... I’m sure you’ll

He states in the podcast that in LA (as in other places I’m very sure), having your Mexican housekeeper preside over dinner is a bit out of the ordinary. Because something is classist, sexist or racist, it should be ignored and doesn’t happen? Or if you report it, you become classist, sexist or racist yourself? Come

Same here, I had downloaded an mp3 without knowing the song and it was credited to the queens Kate and Annie. I can’t believe Happy’s range, so stunning. I can listen to this song over and over for ages and not get tired.

**Swimming sloth alert!!!**

snoopy cat-sitter friends- hahaha! yeah... one of my friends is so snoopy that once, I left her in my front room to go get cigarettes at the store around the corner- so like 5 minutes- and when I got back there she was, looking through a photo album of mine. I shudder to think what goes down when she’s cat-sitting for

Totally agree- he’s one of those incandescently handsome guys, like a young Jude Law or Alain Delon. Yuum!

*Ideal world moment*
Private owners of artwork are obligated to show their pieces to the public every 10 years, for the good of Humanity. These are shown all over the world, and exhibits are free for those who can’t affort to pay.

Also currency doesn’t exist and wine flows from public fountains.

I worked at a Jewish center (it included a museum, library, theatre, seniors home, offices) for a summer about 7 years ago and we had constant bomb threats. Constant. The head of security of the complex was a Mossad agent (ex?) because that’s the level of security that was needed. That summer opened up my eyes to many