
Yeah, this show continues to surprise me. And as long as STD is behind a paywall, it’s my Trek.

Can you please respond and let us know why we can’t get an annotated gallery? Why the push for video. I want to enjoy details and zoom in.

The video I didn’t mind. But the soundtrack and editing gave me a seizure. I lasted all of 5 seconds before shutting it off.

The music and the editing totally ruin the video. Didn’t you kids just perfect the galley/slide technology?

Fuck videos. Stop dictating how long I should look at something.

Don’t be a video. Don’t be a video. Dammit!

Beth, pass along to your Univision Overlords that your readers don’t care for the videos.

[[Mandatory mention that a photo gallery is better than a video. ]]

Actually, that argument was made - and convinced - some European slave owners in the early 18th century.

I am not sorry to insult Richard Petty.

Too bad. The Orville was not bad at least not remotely as bad as anyone on this site tries to spin it.

I would seek out and buy into a sports free option, even if it wasn’t necessary. I despise even having them, just sitting there unwanted and unused. I don’t want my money contributing to their existence, even.

Feeling it. I’ll miss Perlman and del Toro for always, but that’s a damn fine slice of Hellboy.

Best part of the entire film. Annnnnd then Dane Dehaan appeared on screen as a “action hero.” (cue slide whistle)

It’s . . . related to that. Foreign box office is what the studios have been using to buoy their profit margins, but also causes them to accelerate the underlying problems with their business model. The big problem isn’t so much that they make big dumb action movies that only appeal to 13-year old boys. They’ve always

No Leftist believes Bernie is actually a Leftist. He’s barely left of center - most people I know voted for him in the Primary because Hillary is wayyyy to the right (so compared to her, Bernie seems like a “wacko lefty”), but that doesn’t mean they voted for Bernie in the general. (And it also doesn’t mean that if we

Most Leftists don’t consider Centrists’/Clinton’s foreign policy “little details” that could be easily “ironed out”... it’s a completely opposing ideological approach to the world & non-Americans that Leftists will never be on board with.

The primary reason why antifa is being attacked is that they have the temerity to arm themselves when going to protest armed right-wing protesters.

For real, I can forgive a lot, but making me think Kanye West is in the right about anything is unforgivable.

Yea, there is a whole industry for these calculations.. it is called transfer pricing.