
I’m surprised how many commenter think he should be cool with never having physical intimacy (not even just sex, touch of any kind) and staying with his mentally ill wife. They found a way for him to stay and support his mentally ill wife and still get his own needs met, and I think that’s commendable. She also seems

This is definitely not going to have any negative effect on the wife who already feels like a failure for having health issues. Ughhh.

I thought Catholics were all about the trinity.

Seemed pretty clear she was going to lose during the primaries based on all the polling data we had. In a contest between Clinton and Trump, Clinton was the loser. In a contest between Sanders and Trump, Sanders was the winner.

Honestly, every time she spoke during the campaign I was disappointed and unmoved, which ultimately just didn’t cut it. I was and am a Hillary supporter, but the Hillary I was impressed with years ago was an impassioned woman who communicated through clear, personally-thought-out-arguments. The Hillary I saw on this

As many of my fellow New Yorkers said to me, “Good God, Tim Kaine is even more conservative than she is. Well, luckily we live in New York so I won’t have to vote and the state will still go Democratic.”

I was pretty pessimistic on the narrative of “she’s more electable” from the outset (well aware of how much the Clintons were detested by the right and DLC third wayers were distrusted by the left), but once the primaries were over I sucked it up and made my peace with the inevitable, as did more or less every lefty I

Yes, this... 1,000 times this. Clinton had WAY too much baggage, almost all of it fabricated but there none the less. Right after she won the nomination my statement was “whelp! The Republicans will take both of Congress and the Presidency now.”

that preconceived notion is so powerful. Even now when i think of the word trump, the images that flash in my mind is gold, sky scrapers and wealth. Even though I know that is a false image since he is a terrible businessman and a scam artist, that has been the image he projected for 3 decades and its hard to break.

At the convention, you’re supposed to move to unite the factions of the party. Not basically go “Fuck You” to a huge swath of energized voters and pick random-ass white dude from a northeastern purple state who shares most of your policy views.

Living neck deep in TrumpCountry you just can’t underestimate deepdeepDEEP role of right wing extreme media pushing Clintonhate. It feels like EVERY radio, office TV+++ is tuned in to Foxkrap or Rush+++. The haters can’t articulate (....) WHY they hate them but all the swirling fog pushed out over the years

I knew even before she became the nominee. Since 1950, the only party to hold three consecutive terms in office were the Republicans with Reagan and H.W. Bush. The Democratic candidate here would have faced an uphill battle no matter who became the nominee. I figured even if the Democrats bucked that historic trend

I never felt like she was a strong contender. Most HRC supporters I knew (including myself) were reluctant to vote for her and felt like she would not take the country where we needed​ to go. On the flip side of that, plenty of people loathed HRC and they were legion. And I’m not in a conservative bastion. I never

A lot of this kind of “Clinton lost because she sucks” analysis seems to be missing that candidates exactly like Trump are popping up in a lot of Western countries (Philippines, France, England) and *winning.* Yes, Clinton may be uniquely awful and somehow The Worst Campaign Runner Ever, and yet many candidates that

I was worried as soon as she won the nomination. I (like you) never thought that she would actually lose to Trump. But seeing her win the nomination by taking all the red states that she could never possibly win in the general while losing most of the swing states to Bernie was a bad sign.

It always seemed like a possibility to me. Late summer, especially, it seemed like an extremely real possibility after the “grab ‘em by the pussy” video SOMEHOW didn’t just completely obliterate Trump’s campaign. And seeing that Trump’s and Clinton’s favorability ratings were both net negative—and something like the

Because that pro-labor person would have beaten Trump about the head and face with the idea that he outsources his own jobs, proudly celebrates people getting fired, and really doesn’t give a damn about working-class americans. In an election where people are anxious about not having as good a life as their parents

I got worried when the DNC went through with their plan to run Hillary unopposed. And no, O’Malley doesn’t count.

Yeah, I hate to agree but...I agree. I hate to agree because that means the electorate is pretty stupid. I hate to agree because that means future campaigns positions will just be “Jobs!” “Strong Army!” “America!” with little to no context. But that being said, every time someone asked her what her positions were,

Saying Sanders caused Clinton’s defeat is like saying tumors cause cancer. The massive disaffection on the left with establishment machine-politics Democrats manifested with Bernie’s movement. It was not the cause of the voter apathy and sorely-lacking turnout (or worse, the votes for Stein in Rust Belt states) that