
I remember when a certain idiot declared “like magic, it will disappear” by summer.

I met a queerpunk art freak dude at the Ramrod in Boston back in the 90’s. His name was Luther. Red flag right there.

You know, I have a personal belief that people re-watch Friends and The Office because those shows have a very welcoming style to them. They invite the viewer to pretend that they are personally in the setting and are personally friends with the characters. Regularly binge watching the Office or Friends is something

“Privilege” to them means what you do get -- money, power -- which they feel they don’t have. In so many cases, privilege is what you don’t get -- arrested, imprisoned, killed -- for minor crimes, or, in so many cases, just existing.

More like sexophone amirite? 

Somehow the code always goes unheeded. They’ll badmouth Kap while simultaneously having their raggedy-ass flags hanging out in the rain, at night, always on the car door, etc.

Maybe the pilot didn’t have enough Saxophone?

Imagine if he accuses Trump and Clinton.

You are only correct on a technicality in that Chelsea Clinton rode on mommy and daddy’s coat tails, not just mommy’s.

Well, for one thing, lawyers are subject to a code of ethics that imposes fiduciary duties, and there are specific ethical requirements for contingency fee arrangements. Lawyers are subject to discipline for violating those rules. I don’t think litigation finance companies are subject to anything like that. Also, the

I despise him for a lot of things—almost everything—but he’s actually pretty damned good on the pipes. Fumbled the inflation setup a little here but that’s about the only quibble.

+ 1 for the Texas Roadhouse hate. You were founded in Indiana, guys. Let’s take it down a notch.

I’ve been saying for years that Roe vs Wade was not enough, and that we needed to build on it to get a full Constitutional Amendment allowing abortion; but the various campaign groups just rested on their laurels as the GOP worked to undermine it. This is a persistent problem with liberals and the left in general. You

Normally I’d agree with you, but throwing two of the main female characters off the same goddamn cliff is a bit much.

Do I wish Black Widow died, no. But that’s the whole point.

I wouldn’t put anything from Civil War on this list. If I someone had a gun to my head, I would say the moment between Steve and Bucky right before they get to the Winter Solider hidaway. But fuck Zemo and his over complicated plan. The airport fight scene is fun, but its nowhere near as thrilling as the elevator

Hemsworth might not be the next Daniel Day-Lewis but he has more than enough range to execute anything this type of movie might ask of him.

I certainly don’t want to see another civil war, but I’m beginning to think that a peaceful separation into two nations would probably be the best way forward. I don’t think the United States as it currently exists can continue on this path for much longer. 

How is he supposed to survive in the wilderness without the aid of a farting boner corpse?