

There is a lot of nuance being tabled by those under the auspices of, I presume, not kink shaming.

If you ask him “Well, how would that work?” the answer that respects your well-being and safety would suggest safe words, starting with something small, and what your boundaries are. If he answers that it would be ‘when the moment is right’, when he wanted to, or something along that bent then there is a huge issue.

“We already have the Kelvin movies to cover Kirk and co. fanservice”
Fanservice? I’m a Star Trek fan and I find those movies to be complete garbage.

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

I agree with you on every count. Cotton Mouth was incredible in Luke Cage, and then they pull a fast one and give us his relatively unlikable cousin for the rest of the season. She put on a great performance, but I wasn’t invested in her at all at that point because I’d spent all season caring about Cotton Mouth and

Quite simply, its that the world has gone to hell. SNL is at its peak when its able to satire real world events. Sure you can develop a new recurring character or a one-off skit, and they do that week in and week out. But its incredibly hard, mostly impossible to string 90 minutes a week, 30+ weeks a year (or

Your time might come, but it’ll come a couple of hours behind the rest of our time.

I think that men can be perceived as “accidentally sexy” whereas a woman in sexy clothes is more clearly trying to be sexy. People see shirtless photos of Jim Morrison and many people will think he is sexy, but Jim could say, “this is just me being men, if you think I am sexy, that’s your thing.” A man in a suit and

All the Women and POC are out there saving the Galaxy. ;)

Props for the literary breakdown, but methinks you take the analogy too far :) I was only thinking opening Acts, not the full play.

Because they speak exactly like he does.

I think the important thing to point out regarding a dumbing down of generations is that Donald Trump is primarily the result of older generations, not the young adults that grew up with B&B (a great satire) and Dumb and Dumber.

They wouldn’t. MikeTheBard’s idea is that the makers of fan films would pay Paramount and CBS a fee proportional to the fan film’s production budget to use the material. The makers of fan films would have to obey certain guidelines (like no nudity), give Paramount and CBS a final veto over their films and clearly

“An inspiring tale of the future” -the GOP

You’re only counting on democrats to push Bernie over Hillary’s margin and ignoring his ability to pull independents and Never Hillary voters. PA was a closed primary, so it’s hard to say how much total support he would have gotten from just the primary results.

Also, you’re only considering performance in

This comment is perfect.

Hillary lost Pennsyltucky in both the primaries and the general, but won the state in the primary since PA democrats congregate more in the cities. Presumably, Hillary city voters would have voted for any democratic candidate over Trump and Bernie would have kept his rural voters and potentially even pulled some from

Because Hillary Clinton personally kicked in Bernie Sanders’s teeth in the primary, winning by 4 million votes.