
Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Reminder that Bush was too busy with his vacation to read over the report informing him that 9/11 was going to happen.

Have you been to a depressed rural town recently? Honestly, it can’t get much worse for them. I can’t even blame them for throwing this proverbial brick through the window of the liberal elites. I mean, they’re still racist but I understand why they’re this desperate.

And that’s why she shouldn’t have walked it back, at all. She’d have drawn attention to it, put eyeballs on Trump’s true base.

Yes but eventually the only things left to labor on will be those things that aren’t worth automating, i.e. personal enrichment activities. The robots won’t come for your pottery wheel, but also you won’t make enough money at using it to survive.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

This is what you chose to find unbelievable in that trailer?

Hufflepuffs are the people who vote for Jill Stein. Fuck Hufflepuff.

As an equestrian competitor, I vote no.

Based on the comments, it seems I’m in the minority on this, but looking at it from a purely legal standpoint, I don’t think we should criminalize any sexual behavior as long as it involves consenting adults. And since the man is 19, he is a consenting adult. I really thought we had thrown out these kinds of laws with

Outside of the Avengers, she’s Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, or any of a dozen other generic modern spy characters you care to name. A Black Widow movie would be Mission Impossible: Black Widow, and it would be formulaic.

I clicked on this article thinking it was going to be something semi-amusing. Then I saw that and all hopes of amusement were thrown out the window, onto the road, and repeatedly run over.

The more I watched this, the more I realized that Axanar crossed all the important lines that are drawn between for-profit productions and fan works. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see Axanar more than any trek film... but the thing was too smooth, slick, and professional. It didn’t just *look* like something that

This might be a post for another thread somewhere, but how is being transgender – getting the surgery, taking the pills and shots, dressing and living the (gender) role 24/7/365, et cetera – anything other than total conformity to binary gender expectations?

Is it so hard to, at the planning stages say, for example - “We Daisy and Lincoln to have this basic story arc so that they can show up as support for the Avengers for 5 minutes?” Or, “Since AoS is doing an ongoing story about an outbreak of people developing superpowers, can Thunderbolt Ross make an offhand comment

But I think the thing here is that there could at least be some non-continuity-killing nods in the movies. talking about seeing Coulson last week, maybe we see Daisy and May in the background, that weird guy in Hell’s Kitchen, etc.

A Ken Burns-style approach would be perfect for adapting “World War Z.”

I have a feeling they’re removing any reference to Tibet in order to cater to the Chinese market.

No, Joss did it because sex and death are fundamentally linked enterprises and he’s read his Freud. Same thing happens to Jenny, the boy Dawn kissed, Jonathan, Buffy, Angel... Death and sexuality are linked throughout the series. Tara’s death is not unusual or based on her queerness—it’s a recall of Joyce’s death in