
She and I were just talking the other day about fear being a big motivator. The right wingers are afraid of anything different, anything they don’t understand. It drives them to the polls to vote for people who promise to protect them from all these scary ideas like a woman’s bodily autonomy, social services, and the

Not gonna lie but if Hillary gets the nom I’m out.

I don’t want to place too much faith in polls as predictors of the general election (or even more generally)—a lot could change between now and Nov., particularly once nominees are selected, and depending on developments in the economy and national security.

See that just makes you a terrible citizen. I won’t vote for Hillary. I don’t agree with her politics. Voting for someone because they have a (D) next to their name is the laziest form of democracy.

You know, this does irk me. Yes, I am a Sanders fan. Also a man. But I feel the need to chime in because I agree with PP a great deal is at stake this election.

You’re right, and my original comment was flip and poorly worded.

I believe that both Sanders and Clinton are equally supportive of repro rights. But I think Sanders’ policies are overall better for women (and humanity).

Bernie has actually polled better than Hillary against Trump, and is polling about even with her versus Rubio and Cruz. Don’t know why some people are so adamant that he would lose the general election.

“This is about so much more than Planned Parenthood. Health care for an entire generation is at stake.”

How white of you.

Look, I want much, much, much stricter gun control laws... but there’s a reason we’ve read over and over again why the No Fly List is one of the many awful legacies of 9/11. People are arbitrarily placed on it with no due process, and getting off the list is, at best, a difficult and capricious process. We should be

God knows I’m all for gun control, but if we’re going to harmonize the no fly list with a “no gun” list, first we have to fix the no fly list. Right now, you can find yourself on the no fly because your name resembles that of someone suspicious, you may not even know you’re on the list until you try to board a plane,

The no fly list is a secret, no visibility into who’s on it or why. Seems like a real bad plan to restrict firearm purchases based on a secret government list.

I’m not an IPA fan either. I used to be, but in the last ten years, this HOP THE FUCK OUTTA EVERYTHING trend has gotten way out of hand. A friend of mine got one that I swear smelled like dirty bongwater. Why the hell would you do that to a beer? What did it do to you? Eyuch. I prefer porters and stouts, and trippels

What did Donna Summer ever do to anyone? That sounds really terrible, though.

Can we stop with the whole “ur doin it to urself” thing please? Sure, there are probably upwards of several hundred couples in Manhattan who are both employed, with young children, who have attempted to craft a Halloween costume out of mason jars and pallets, but that really isn’t life for most of us (admittedly

The republican “sportsman” politician is the fuckin’ worst. He plays hunter and fisherman on high-end resorts with canned hunts and stocked pellet fed fish (still needs a guide for both), then supports companies doing whatever they want to the blm or natl. forest land us plebes use. The republican “sportsman”

I thought that too, while the riots were going on in Ferguson. There were police acting with absolutely illegal force, a perfect example of “we need citizens to be armed to defend themselves when government forces attempt to oppress them and violate their rights”—and yet I didn’t hear any of my super-conservative

I agree. Say what you will about Playboy, the women were never being degraded physically in the shots. Hef’s entire point was to make the photos pretty and appealing, not gross. He wanted to create a new kind of class act that involved beautiful nudes that were blatantly sexual but not “dirty” or cheap.

I wonder the same thing. I notice that in my extended family, baby boomers are both abusive toward and likely to say they were victimized by both their parents and their children. I’ve seen that in my mother, 2 mothers-in-law, a step mother-in-law, a father-in-law, and at least two aunts. From that generation, that

You eradicate trafficking by making it legal and regulated, so that police will stop harassing sex workers and start investigating issues of traffickers.