
The one time I think it’s only fair to itemize is when some people at the table have copious amounts of booze while others drink water or Diet Coke. They shouldn’t have to subsidize your drinking, which can add hundreds of dollars to a bill; it simply isn’t fair, and I don’t allow it when I’m out (for clarity, I am

From the description, she was pretty clearly desperately exhausted and stressed out, and also suffering from a panic disorder, thus the shaking and crying and Xanax. Sleep deprivation will fuck you up as bad as alcohol, and in America nobody cares if a single mom with panic attacks has to work 60+ hours to support her

Jesus tapdancing Christ... How do you manage living on that island? Everything is trying to kill you AND waffles “aren’t a thing”?

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

I will always remember driving to a wedding when I was young, and my friend waking up from a nap in the backseat of her boyfriend’s car and taking a long swig out of his chew spit juice bottle, then her face as she came to the realization of what she had done, followed by her face while she projectile vomited onto her

I don’t disagree. HOWEVER there is a bit of a chicken/egg phenomenon happening here. Sometimes you can’t watch the women’s game on TV because it is not being shown. Therefore of course it is not going to get revenue dollars because it is not getting any exposure. Then we can point to their lack of revenue dollars as

And why would they ask these questions if they do not have to be answered? That seems like starting off on the wrong foot and puts the company in a position where they could be sued in the future if they continue acting in this way. If my non-answering of those questions convinces them to pass over me then they are

She means they'll contest your right to collect on your unemployment insurance.

When I’m faced with questions like these I have a simple answer, “Apparently we’re not a fit,” and I keep looking until I find an employer who is a better fit.

Tldr Duggars are horrible people.

Those who are not comfortable with this have two choices: Do something emotionally naked or not take the class. And, according to the New York Daily News, almost everyone chooses to stand naked.

I was a theatre major at a performing arts high school, and we all had to do an “emotionally naked” exercise- basically, get up in front of the class and lose it for two minutes. I didn’t really have a problem with it, but damn, did some of the other girls. A lot of them spent their 2 minutes crying and screaming

Talking about her mother might be one option.

Seriously. The absolute only things I will not try are shit that was clearly intended as props from horror movies, like Balut or Hakarl.

Sometimes I wish killing with kindness could involve a little more killing.

On the other hand, buying a home can trap you in that property if values fall, and suddenly you are paying above market rates for housing, and you’ve lost money on your “investment.” One reason the housing market artificially inflates is because your argument is made without acknowledging that the downside risk is as

Amen! I bought a new build, thinking I would flip it in a year, and then the bubble burst. The house is now 10 years old and EVERY month I pay all of my bills, etc...and think, WOW! I’ll put some money in a Roth this month, or maybe even go out of town for a week or two, and BOOM! Furnace, disposal, grubbs in the

Awww! I LOVE customers who compliment a server/host for doing so well taking people's crap!

I probably ended that marriage.

Use them to make other better things to replace your crappy things.