
or how about instead of your insane scenario we do this instead.

Thank God, sounds terrible. Glad we escaped the explosion. High fives all around.

As someone only a few years older than Maisie I have to agree that yes she is obviously being a bit dramatic but at the same time has a point. This idea that growing up in the 80’s and 90’s like many of our parents did is at all similar to being a young adult today is just ridiculous. My first memory when I was 5

To be fair, most of us weren’t 17 in the age of social media in the middle of the next great culture war. Our childhoods have zero frame of reference.

I’m on the internet a lot so I think teens today are smart and able and aware of the world they’re living in. It’s not like teens are the people who, I don’t know, caused the collapse of our economy.

He’s a bigger asshole. At least Harold Hill never owned diamond mines staffed by slave labor.

how to get away with broken turn signals:

His rider is totally reasonable. I've been on tour and what people don't get is that you are deciding like, a year out what your entire staff will need every day for however long you will be on the road. Especially given that your crew will only have a big enough break to leave the venue for food maybe 10% of the time

You might want to try taking a few civics or political science classes, because you seem to have a profound misunderstanding of how law works. Here's a free clue:

Jesus, do you not understand how the law works? Do you know the reading of the law?

I know the judge in this case and he hates that he had to make this decision. But it is consistent with the laws on the books right now - which were enacted before cellphones with cameras existed. However, my understanding is that there is a bill being introduced this legislative session to fix this issue so the

And so, Steven, that's your answer: Gas is cheaper in the States, which gives us less incentive to buy cheap, diesel-powered cars. And we drive more frequently – and longer distances – than Europeans, which means we want more gadgets, and more toys, and more size in order to get our money's worth behind the wheel. And

I think civil suits are the immediate answer. It's true, most (although you'd be surprised) of these pathetic stupid little boys have no money to seize- but they have a name. They're cowards who hide behind anonymity and a civil judgment would pin their names to their disgusting behavior and force them to take

That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.

Any time I hear that one partner feels the other partner's sexual desire or functioning is gross or boring I know that relationship is going to end up being very difficult for at least one if not both of those people.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

Please explain how the DK's are remotely misogynistic, and could you also define what an 'all encompassing patriarchy' means. Are only DK shows 'all encompassing', or is the whole world, meaning no one should have sex ever?

Apparently, they were Too Drunk to Fuck. I'm glad he was able to provide a reasonable alternative in her time of need.

The most passionate supporters of Israel, at this point, are evangelical Christians.