
Clearly. I mean I can’t see it working without at least 5 seashells.

No single company will be permitted to have more than a 6% share of the film or TV market, as narrowly defined as possible, in any particular country. If it achieves more than 8% two years running, it must sell off a studio subsidiary, division, or asset and turn it into a separate operation. Disney, Comcast,

All our tastes are terrible. Hell, one of my favourite movies is Howard the Duck. HOWARD THE DUCK!

On the other hand, buying a home can trap you in that property if values fall, and suddenly you are paying above market rates for housing, and you’ve lost money on your “investment.” One reason the housing market artificially inflates is because your argument is made without acknowledging that the downside risk is as

Amen! I bought a new build, thinking I would flip it in a year, and then the bubble burst. The house is now 10 years old and EVERY month I pay all of my bills, etc...and think, WOW! I’ll put some money in a Roth this month, or maybe even go out of town for a week or two, and BOOM! Furnace, disposal, grubbs in the

Star Trek Voyager: Year of Hell. It should have been an entire season. With no time travel reset. Hard decisions. Hard consequences.

Thanks for an excellent overview. Like you, I feel that an obsession with thin has become Apple’s undoing. To make these laptops thin, they have to strip away features such as ports. The result is a device that’s only a little more versatile than at iPad + keyboard at twice the price. I can’t see the sense of that.

I’m still confused on the obsession with lightness. I honestly feel that Apple is sacrificing quality and flexibility just to lose a mm or two. The latest round of phones could have been just as think as the last but with a bigger battery and everyone would have been happier. People who truly need a ultra portable

The obsession with making their products thinner irritates the hell out of me. It seems to have crowded out any concern for making their products useful to use in a professional environment. Perfect example: Right now I’m limping along on a 2007 17”lapzilla at work. I just replaced the battery for the third time as it

Other companies have done the thin core-M design a lot better for the same price. The Lenovo Yoga comes to mind.

In what world is Big Bang Theory amazing? In what world has it ever been amazing? It's a cringe-inducing caricature of geeks and geek culture, and it's unfunny.

"The only time it's okay to ask what people do in bed is when you're been asked to join them." - Bo Zartz

I have always thought that when picking a significant other, you should check out how they treat people who work in any service industry. Don't tip, rude, arrogant or snobbish? Leave them NOW!!!

Awww! I LOVE customers who compliment a server/host for doing so well taking people's crap!

I probably ended that marriage.

Use them to make other better things to replace your crappy things.

Hahaha that train bit. This looks fun.

or how about instead of your insane scenario we do this instead.