
"Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers."

They're putting the Episode VII trailer in "9 fucking theaters" because a grainy, off-angle video will be posted on YouTube within hours, LucasFilm will respond by releasing the actual trailer online, and a nice, sexy "Leaked trailer" story will propel it to a trending spot on social media.

How many times does this

I can understand why it isn't everyone cup of tea, but for me SG-1 was an entertaining show because it played to its strengths (entertaining characters and a compelling premise) rather than trying to be high concept sci-fi on a low budget. It was unapologetic and relatively "simple" science fiction without trying to

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That song is the fucking worst. I prefer Peanuts with the soundtrack it was meant to have:

Honestly, age of consent doesn't even enter into it for me. Even if she'd been 18 (or 16 or 17 in states where that is the age of consent) this should still be illegal because HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING THEIR STUDENTS!!!

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and lets not forget that without Parallel Universe, we don't get tongue tied...

The 1980s were great. The cereal was good. Cocaine was plentiful. TV could just shit out whatever worked. My hope is to one day create a similar list for the 90s.

Don't even joke about that.

Can Disney not just agree to fund any shows or movies he wants to do as long as he does the Avengers Infinity War films? Please let there be a Season 2 of Firefly on ABC :P

This, I think, is probably why many Americans support Israel. It's a part of prophecy, or something.

The most passionate supporters of Israel, at this point, are evangelical Christians.

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

It seems we're all a little concerned about Republicans controlling Congress.

Yeah, that's just people on the internet wildly over-estimating their own significance. Some fans just can't face the fact that for all their dedication, they are still just consumers of the work, not co-creators.

They should have had several communities all of different political or social beliefs and they'd be competing to be the first to reach various checkpoints of civilization.

Religious-Right-Theocrats vs. The Randians vs. The Socialists vs. The Marxists in a four-way battle for Reality TV Ideological Supremacy.


"... and that, ladies and gentlemen, is our proposal for season 5 of "Falling Skies". Does anyone have any questions?"

I think they would experience glee knowing the woman died. The slut deserved it. That's the kind of monster we are dealing with.

Doctor Strange: