
I liked it because the Termites were smug, hipster, weenies. It felt like Carol was leading a flaming zombie army to assault a post-apocalyptic tech startup.

Well not everyone follows lord of the rings.
I tried to enjoy the movie, but its just a rip off of WOW.

If you want to bring back Trek, JJ Abrams needs to leave the scene entirely. Alternate Reality has done nothing but bad for Star Trek. The forced Uhura/Spock relationship not only defecates on existing canon (cough cough ponn farr) but is something straight out of a middle schooler's journal ramblings. The

You know what, though? Pepperoni Butt has way better social skills than most people on OK Cupid.

Using a cheap kitchen knife is about as effective as just ripping apart whatever you're cutting. You'd think that all sharpened pieces of steel are the same, but in the case of knives, there's a huge difference between a $5 knife and a $50 (or higher) one. You don't necessarily need to go super high end if you don't

If you've ever stayed at a cheap hotel, you know what a cheap bath towel feels like. You might as well be drying yourself off with a six year old sock. You don't even need to spend that much money to get a decent set of towels—one step up from the cheapest bath towel is just enough to get you dry.

15/15 Agnostic with Norse Pagan leanings

Dicks. We need more dicks.

"47% of Comics Readers Are Female, So They Clearly Don't Have Any Real Problems With This Stuff"

Exactly! I'm not saying calling a sketchy room the "rape room" is a totally awesome and hilarious thing to do, but the real issue is how they reacted when she asked them to stop. Another major issue is the implicit misogyny when a bunch of men fire a woman because they think she's overreacting to a rape joke.

I've reached a point in my life where I believe that I have every right to not educate myself more than is necessary. I spend my days at work in a non-mind-frying job. I have two teenagers at home. I'm going to school part-time. My magazine subscriptions include Archeology and New Scientist. And, damn it, if I want to

"You'll never know true love"

Yeah. Another factor - all the people I know who are really into the child/pet comparison are women who are not able to have children.

Yeah, I understand why it's obnoxious to the mom, but I can see the other side of that issue too. Are childless people just supposed to endlessly nod and say, "Oh, yes, you have it so hard. Nothing I have ever done could ever compare to what you do," over and over again?

Last gal's friend is just trying to relate. New mom probably won't shut up about the kids, and so the topic of "taking care of an inferior being" ends up being the only common ground.

Keurig/Tassimo/Single Cup Coffee Makers. So much added waste when the waste from regular coffee makers was all compostable. I understand the appeal for offices and public spaces, but now homeowners all got sucked into buying them too doesn't make sense to me at all.

Always On Online DRM.

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.

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"Target the Reavers. Target the Reavers! Target everyone!! SOMEBODY FIRE!!!"