
Who the hell has four people split a medium pizza, and ends up with half left over?

And the right wingers are already spreading posts around Facebook about how this guy was a left wing antifa Bernie supporting global warming alarmist. They did it with the New Zealand shooter as well- Expect it to become the SOP.

Yes, but they were committing crimes against property- And that needs to be taken seriously. Chan anons are committing crimes against people- so we can’t really do anything until they escalate to damaging something with value. This is America, after all.

I want to be careful about how I word this, because I don’t want anyone to misinterpret my feelings here. Please let me know if it’s perhaps too nuanced or ambiguous in the phrasing.

So, umm....

A lot of that also has to do with the fact that the most pressing issues will always be the ones which affect you personally- Especially when it involves triggering your survival instincts.

privilege is the best word. The word “privilege” literally derives from the conjunction of two Latin words: privis, which translates into the English as, and is in fact the root of, “private”, and legis, which translates into the English as, and is in fact the root of, “law”

Friends and The Office ... invite the viewer to pretend that they are personally in the setting and are personally friends with the characters..... the ultimate cry of loneliness.

There’s a lotta furries gonna fap to this.

Portsmouth NH: Many folks here have a friend of a friend whose friend worked at the Navy shipyard and swears that the commander of the yard was responsible for ending the Cold War. Parts of the story later ended up as a”fictional” movie.

Imagine if he accuses Trump and Clinton. Right before the election?

Liberal: Hmm, these are really good ribs.

Shut the fuck up, Donny.  You’re out of your element.

Bernie is poison. I’m sorry, I truly am. I was hardcore Bernie or bust last time around, and he’s one of the only people in Washington who’s actually on our side. He’s almost always been on the right side of history. He’s got integrity, and he’s willing to take a stand and not back down.

She claimed that she had a native ancestor four or five generations back. The DNA test says she probably had a native ancestor five or six generations back.

It’s always awkward when you stumble across that one reason to have a tiny bit of grudging respect for a completely contemptible human being.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but both our economy and our biosphere are collapsing, and you probably won’t survive long enough to have kids of your own. Now have a good day at kindergarten.

Um- Look, I know that everything is all about the state of the art photorealistic animation, BUT-

The US spent a couple decades covertly aiding guerrilla armies and drug cartels in central and south America against each other or whichever regime we felt like weakening at the time. We had a heavy hand in creating the chaos from which these refugees are fleeing.