
Larry wouldn’t know a porter from an IPA.  You’re way better off going over to Maple Ave and talking to Gunther.

A thousand times this.

I understood it to be that she was created to be a killing machine, and if she had even the possibility of caring for a human life, they would literally cut it out of her.

You know what I’d like to see?

You know how Marvel studios were all super secretive about the plot and everything for Endgame? I’d like to see them instead just start releasing *fake* spoilers all over the place, and don’t worry if the real stuff leaks because nobody will know what to believe.

Honestly, that touches on one of the reasons I think DC has turned out crummy movies while Marvel has been knocking it out of the park- That Marvel has *characters* while DC has *archetypes*.

Does anyone have some orange slices?

I mean, isn’t that a huge part of Bruce Wayne? That light/dark, bipolar, disassociative thing? Batman is the dark spirit of justice and fear of righteousness, but Bruce is the philanthropic playboy always wining and dining the upper classes, right?

Keaton was the only Batman who was able to pull off of them equally.

Which, again, makes for truly exceptional drama.  Anybody can film two big dudes super-punching each other =cough= =DC= =cough= because “the world is in danger”, but you have to really zoom in, develop a character, and make people feel in order to have the “world being in danger” actually matter.  It’s what made the

Yeah. It was like Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo had a technicolor love child. They pulled it off at least a couple more times, but that was the big one.

It doesn’t go far enough. What we need is a jubilee- A universal wipe of any debt older than 7 years.

NOBODY should go straight to college, unless you’re one of those rare people who knows exactly what they want to do with their life from age 4, or is graduating high school and going into MIT at 13 years old.

I think that planning your entire life around a dollar sign is a pretty shit way to live. If it were up to me, there’d be a hell of a lot more people getting art degrees because believe it or not, there was a time when education was about personal growth, rather then just being a line item on a resume.

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music,

If you put in a little more effort to catching up, you can be beside yourself.

=Flash looks down. Looks over. Looks down again.  Wonders if those pills from Mexico really work.=

I... It’s..... It’s just so.... there.

No, he was probably pulled out of an honors program at BU.

Blanket prohibition on anyone working in or for any industry they had any part in regulating, overseeing, or aiding, for 30 years after leaving public office.

You know who else nobody likes?

Yep, I ended up at the ER because someone neglected to mention that they used soy milk in the chai, and almost did a second time because the crackers on a charcuterie board turned out to be made with almond flour.