
We’re literally arguing over whether Nazis are bad people.

There are two things going on here-

I have a ton of MP3s that aren’t available *anywhere*. Novelty acts and stuff I ripped from cassette tapes, live bootlegs, local acts that don’t exist anymore-

I think it was around version 3 or so that iTunes was literally one of the best pieces of software I’ve ever used. It did everything you could want a music catalog and player to do, simply, intuitively, and with perfect efficiency.

Easy to forget that Fellowship of the Ring was nearly 20 years ago.

Once again, here’s my dream plan:

local legend has it that the tree with its supple yellow wood was used to build the ark that Noah rode...landing, eventually, on Mount Ararat in Turkey...... Torreyas have been trapped by geography for millennia, only living in a few ravines that cut across the Apalachicola River Basin.

Same here. I got a 49" 4K Vizio TV for just over $300.

Same here. I got a 49" 4K Vizio TV for just over $300.

Democrats are still under the delusion that we have a good faith disagreement with people who basically want the same thing we do, and that we can reach a reasonable compromise.

I think that a universal basic income won’t automatically solve every problem, but it will go further towards solving them, and faster, than anything else.

Exactly! We need to show that America is ready to truly commit to border security- That’s why I say we need to do better than *just* a wall.

If we’re going to eliminate birthright citizenship, I vote that we first revoke it from anyone who has ever flown, worn, or saluted a confederate flag.

I’d be slightly less stressed out, sure, but I don’t think that time would be used productively?

to say nothing of that one psychiatrist who ate his clients.

These groups are also fleeing horrible conditions in their home countries which we are willfully doing nothing about. If we were proactive we wouldn’t even have to help these people because they wouldn’t even be at our border.

Who amongst us has not committed a little accidental slavery and crimes against humanity?

Occupational hazard that comes with being in a sex cult.

The only Confederate flag that matters for shit is the white one Lee waved at Appomattox.

Context, for you, is like sex. you just don’t get it.

Healthcare isn’t an “innate” right like the freedom of speech, it (should be) a *right of citizenship* or residency- Like the right to a trial by jury, the right to due process, the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.