
At this point, healthcare is my litmus test for a candidate.

I think he has an underdeveloped sense of personal space, which doesn’t quite reach the level of sexual harassment: Not malicious or criminal, but also not appropriate or professional.

I’m mostly just here for the comments, but yeah- Christianity does some bad shit to people.

If it makes you feel better, my buddy was originally from Texas, and even less prepared to deal with the snow than the surrounding native Virginians. He also lives a little out of the way of any major services, so there’s that.

$ doesn’t impress me, I don’t entertain bs

Been done already:

It’s relative.

new showrunner Angela Kang will have another major hurdle to overcome—the loss of Danai Gurira and her leading character Michonne. After the departures of Rick, Maggie, and Carl (although the latter was killed off), that doesn’t leave her a lot to work with.

Also, everything I just posted is recapped in the theme song.

Somewhere, there is an alternate universe where this movie was made into a Saturday morning cartoon spinoff. Chevy Chase goes broke, and he and his giant mute bride move back home to Valkenvania. Every episode is him convinced he can make a fortune off the latest insane gadget his in-laws come up with and finally

Came here for this comment.  Was not disappointed. 

management cannot eliminate that person’s position without offering another job.

Unwanted babies means vulnerable children and controllable adults.

I’ll stick to my kilts.

I can think of very few tradeoffs I would not be willing to make for that.

Don’t they always cast people who look just like them?

Bah.  Next you’re going to tell me my favorite porn star also uses a fake name.

You know who else liked dogs?  HITLER!

The vast mojority of ‘heathen’ religions are less than a couple hundred years old, if not less than 50. It’s not like they are really connected to these symbols any more than other groups.