
All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”

The only difference between a MAGA hat and a Klan hood is that the white hood was probably made in America.

Shhh- That’s Oathbound.

Saying “yes, I am willing to die on this hill” can be remarkably effective.

The one and only good thing I can say about this administration is that he is continuing with business as usual, but so blatantly, unapologetically, and over the top, that we have no possible way to excuse, ignore, or justify it.

I think we should have fought the war, I just don’t think we should have followed it up by giving them equal say in our government.

I was Bernie or Bust when he was the only one on our side, but this time around we have Warren and who knows who else yet. Warren is a solid choice, and I think she’s the most viable.

When I was in Key West around 25 years ago, I had the best cup of coffee of my life from this little, grimy, hole-in-the-wall Cuban place on a sketchy side street.

Here’s the problem with that: We’re not talking about ignorance here, although it is admittedly part of the problem. We’re talking about something way, way deeper and more immutable.

Climate change. LGBT rights. Hate crimes. Police brutality. Fighting tooth and nail against affordable health care and livable wages. Imprisoning children. Mass shootings.

That depends on your deployment.

I do wish we could find a nice middle ground between “impossible beauty standards” and “ignoring the obesity epidemic”.

Well, that’s the fun thing about depression- You KNOW that getting up and showering and going out and doing something will make you feel better, you just.... Don’t. Or you know it, but don’t believe it.

Look, I’m not saying it was a good thing to put the mentally ill into cruelly run asylums where they’d be subjected to electroshock experimentation, I’m just saying that maybe it was a better solution than giving them YouTube channels.

If you feel like Israel has a right to their ancestral homeland despite the fact that people had been living there for the last several thousand years, I’m curious as to whether you think that should also apply to the Native Americans, and why or why not.

Everything is fine in the right context.

Now how James Bond becomes butler for a rich family and their little shit and future Batman, not even the comics have explained in a coherent way

Also, avoiding the “guy with tits” trope, where you just write a male character, but then have a woman play them- Like most superhero/action leads. Sara Connor. Hit Girl. Mila Jovavich in pretty much anything. I mean, I like the movies, but all they are are the same “toxic masculinity” in a dress: If you can’t solve

People change their minds all the time, and personal growth shouldn’t be wholly discounted just because a decision is also politically expedient.

I can get you a camel handler. Cost you about a monkey, including disposal.