
It’s a rare day that I side with big agribusiness.

I can actually see this- It’s Weeds meets Risky Business.

Came here to say this.

Pulling out the membrillo. That is definitely a class act, right there.

Here’s my live grenade of the day:

Yeah, that pretty much sums up the whole thing.

When I put together a cheese plate, I try to hit several checkboxes-

my rules for books are thus:
1. Is this a book I will legit want to read again?
2. Is this a book that is collectible?
3. Is this an educational book that I will refer to at some point?

WEEEEELLLLLP... That’s enough internet for today.

Plus, if you ask someone out for coffee or a drink, and it goes well, you can always suggest moving on to dinner.  If you’re 15 minutes in and realizing that the whole thing was a terrible waste of time, you haven’t lost much.

Ooomph. You know, I was going to comment something about basic manners and whatnot, but yeah.

Honestly, a story using d-list characters might be *better* than the Justice League core. It’s lower pressure, no fears of ruining a major cash cow.

You say that, but if it hadn’t have been for this story on io9, I would never have known that Lindsay Lohan was still alive.

We’ve done stuff like this for a couple friends.  We have them cremated, then place the ashes along with personal possessions, into a boat or cart we’ve built, and light the whole thing up.

You know the difference between changing your mind and flip flopping?

Know what weirds me out? People who post pictures of their kids. Not one of them *with* the kids, just the kids themselves. Or if the kids are in every photo.

I think season 3 should focus on Frank killing off a bunch of neo nazis and the police who are enabling them. Throw in a good monologue directed at one of the cops about how the public entrusted them with protecting everyone from that kind of asshole, and they’ve betrayed that trust.

Simple solution to funding the wall:

Stop Social Security payments for any state whose electoral votes went to TrumpThey voted for it, they can pay for it.

I came here for the people who came here for this.

Okay, so here’s my pitch- Carmen plots a heist that takes her through the otherworlds of various mythologies. It’s called Where in the Hell is Carmen Sandiego?