
That’s the part people don’t get.

We’ve had the ability to eliminate fossil fuels for quite some time now, we just don’t seem to want to *DO* it.

I would argue that the AR’s biggest technological note is how it was built to be modular and reconfigurable.

“Retelling of 1500 year old story fails to conform to modern sensibilities

Johnson Jerald’s casting as the Orville’s chief medical officer strengthens its Star Trek cred, since she was previously a cast member on Deep Space Nine.

I just don’t see anyone but Ron Perlman in the role.

It’s not *just* that people in general lean to the left, it’s that what’s considered “conservative” has been getting increasingly more narrowly defined over the past couple decades. So where A, B, C, and D used to be “right” and W, X, Y, and Z used to be “left”, with everything else some degree of moderate, now A and

It’s debt- It gets bundled with other debts and sold off wholesale to people who hope to collect more than they paid for it. Sometimes they take the money from the debts they collect on, then rebundle and resell the rest to someone else.  

I read an article by a web designer/admin who took a hard look at his customer base and realized that 10% of them took up 90% of his time- So he fired them. This opened up his workload so much that he was able to nearly double his clients- and income- while also working fewer hours.

I don’t think that will be the end of *this* season, but I think it will be the end of the *series*. They’ve said they only want to do something like 4 seasons.

No, I think they turn down the chance to get into the Good Place in order to help Michael.  

I was actually hoping to be scattered at Disney World.  I don’t want to be cremated, though.

Is there a Ralph’s nearby?

Okay, so here’s my Batman movie pitch-

People act like Trump just popped up out of nowhere. The fact is that he is the inevitable end product of the last 3-4 decades of economic fuckery and Roger fucking Ailes’ leading the charge for the degradation of American media.

Climate change.

Voter suppression, big money in politics, and gerrymandering and anti-democratic policies around governing really do lead to apathy.


That works when a new technology displaces 5% or 10% of the workforce- Not when that number hits 80% or 90%.

Honestly, I think it’s time for a second great experiment.