
Good. Universal unemployment SHOULD be the ultimate goal of automation.

It just chaps my ass, is all.

That little guy’s a jumper- You can tell!

I think there’s a serious issue there with, again, the particular knowledge involved in buying and maintaining a vehicle.

No, their companies fail. The lenders have already paid themselves and get to watch the implosion from a beach in the Caymans.

How many people on minimum wage do you actually know?

Oh, please. It will take at least six or eight years for it to get that bad.

Here’s the problem: The more money you have to start with, the fewer consequences you actually have.

The rates for sub-prime lending are high because of the risk inherent in lending money to those with sub-prime credit.


I feel like people are missing the other 80s connection-

Here’s my hope for the post-unsnappening MCU:

That was rude and kind of sick.

The only reason they are growing is that year over year, they are making their devices more expensive. I feel they are just going to keep going until they find a point where people say no.

YES! One thing I really love that with Euro-style 6-12 episode seasons being mainstream, and Netflix/Hulu/Amazon doing whatever the hell they want, we’re starting to see studios planning for something besides a 2 hour movie or an open ended 24 episode season. ESPECIALLY since Babylon 5, Breaking Bad, and Sons of

Well- To be fair, the Christians did figure out about 6%.

Exactly- I mean, I bet we could get them to keep at it for... a thousand years, but I honestly feel like 4 seasons would be the perfect length to have a good, solid, unified plot and every episode a winner- Without getting bogged down into the final season slog so many shows hit.

For shop tools, there are some that you can buy cheap, and some where you *need* to get quality.

I would give just about anything for the Democrats just that once to have taken the low road and blatantly appealed to the Republican base.