
Because the vast majority of Democratic primary voters voted for her.

One was a black constitutional scholar being compared to Hitler by the right wing media because he wanted to expand criminal background checks for gun purchases that were already subject to background checks.

What happens when you start a new job and you don’t know what to do? You figure it out. You do research....Same thing with fighting racism. ... Ask us for help, sure, but don’t ONLY ask us for help without doing some of the lifting yourself.

I read that more as “I’m asking someone else because I’m not in an environment to witness it firsthand”.

To me the issue with this *specific* movie is that I don’t see any way *how* the character could be updated to avoid stereotypes. I mean, it’s an ancient martial arts guru- It’s more the very premise of the character than the trappings which make them stereotypical, and that premise is essential to the story.

And that’s when it turns. I’m no longer the one friend that they reached out to. Now, I’m being asked to Show Them the Way to Enlightenment. Educate me, brown person!!

Remember when four dead college students was enough to affect the country’s conscience enough to demand change?

Good times.

I am quite certain that if the electoral college votes Clinton in after Trump has already been the declared winner for a month, we will in fact descend into a full scale civil war.

We do not have a way out of this. Every option is worse than the last one.

Rural America has been hammer fucked for years now with zero help from liberals. We are now kind of realizing that they need to be taken care of too, despite being (as a group) racist and backwards-thinking.

The middle class has been suffering from neglect and abuse from politicians ever since Reagan. And in that whole time, Trump is the first person to speak to them directly and promise to address their issues. For that empathy, they’re more than willing to tolerate some warts. And that’s why all the things which would

I can’t believe I’m weighing in on this in all seriousness, but I *am* still a tiny bit stoned right now. Theory:

The intimacy/vulnerability thing is a big part of it.

But it remains unclear how, armed with a POTUS’s limited power and faced with an oppositional congress, one person [Sanders] could fundamentally and instantaneously change the system he was elected to run.

Pretty much. I’m 42 and saying “fuck it” to quit my life and pursue my nomadic gypsy dreams. I can do that because I have no kids depending on me to feed them.

My dad was a complete deadbeat who never held down a job, never paid any of his child support, didn’t care about seeing me. My mom had to make due completely on her own (I finally met him when he showed up *looking for* money).

another part is deeply tickled by the idea that Hitler’s final solution has been reduced to a game for drunk high schoolers. I can only imagine ghost Hitler’s annoyance.

I use a lot of herbal and natural medicine, but I still know when to call an actual professional.

the mother’s decision has priority. Or it always should. So she may be making a bad decision. I get that-but we allow people to make bad decisions all the time when they are they only one at risk.

Kardashian wrote that Kanye...

“Son, you done fucked up, but you’ve got gumption! I like that! In fact, I think you’re problem is that you’re not being challenged enough in your present position.....”