In the Jewish canon, the devil is an appointed position created by G-d, both to serve as his own adversary, as well as to challenge humans. He’s literally just doing the job he was given.
In the Jewish canon, the devil is an appointed position created by G-d, both to serve as his own adversary, as well as to challenge humans. He’s literally just doing the job he was given.
Lucifer is just misunderstood. He doesn’t want to be a bad guy, it’s God who is forcing him to play that role.
Are proponents of this policy just NRA shills, or have they legitimately not given these scenarios much thought?
You, I’d trust with a gun.
How about we split the difference: Require more certification to get a carry permit, place less restrictions on where they can and can’t use it.
Just for the record, the recording industry has been responsible for almost a century’s worth of legal assfuckery of the sort that would make payday lenders and tobacco lobbyists alike hang their heads in shame.
If you get a chance, try the Morning Buzz on WHEB- There’s 5 of them, and while there’s some sports talk and juvenile boob & butt jokes, there’s also a real underlying sense of decency and they seem like they really think of each other as a family.
One the of the reasons I love living in NH.
Spends her career fighting for women to get equal pay, votes for someone who sat on Walmart’s board of directors.
Just as long as Shaggy is a chronic pothead, Daphne and Fred are not-so-subtly fucking, and Velma’s still a lesbian. Everything else is negotiable.
In a thread on hotel staff horror stories, someone told a story about a furry convention at their hotel. After checkout, they went to clean one of the rooms and found a kiddie pool, filled with litter, used.
Maybe they like to be represented by something they’d kill on a big game hunt- Kind of like going to the barbeque place with the cartoon pig on the sign. Makes them feel superior.
I used to think Bernie couldn’t possibly win but now I’m not so sure. What has surprised me is the depth of the dislike for Hillary on both sides of the aisle. That worries me.
I won’t vote for her, but yes, I would vote (and have) for a non-Sanders Democrat. I’m an independent, vote *mostly* Democratic, but supported Perot, Nader, and several Green and Libertarian candidates over the years. I registered as a Dem just so I could vote for Sanders in the primary. If he doesn’t win, I will…
Which is exactly why I’ve been saying that we need to focus on the socioeconomic issues that *feed* that fear. Tackle the wealth gap, institute universal health care and proper education, and in 15 years there won’t be any GOP voters left.
The problem with that approach is that all of those other issues still have an effect on the one you’re worried about. Poverty, poor education, and even a lack of public transit can create barriers to reproductive health care that are just as prohibitive as any law.
That is literally the exact opposite of what I’m saying.
I voted for Perot, I voted for Nader. In the last 3 presidential elections, I held my nose and voted straight Democratic tickets because I felt I just couldn’t possibly let the Republicans gain any more power.
I think the government created a lot of the weirdness and UFO theories to discredit the *real* consipiracy theory-
What’s the disadvantage to Roosevelt if he calls up the troops a couple of days beforehand and says “Oh hey, by the way, we think an attack’s on the way, be extra ready for it!”