Peyton Manning was, like, 16 when Philip Rivers was 10.
Peyton Manning was, like, 16 when Philip Rivers was 10.
"you have to work like 10 straight're always dropping your hard earned cash on lozenges for your sore throat, and you rarely get a chance to really show some talent"
God, I'm so goddam sick of these shameless, self-glorifying prostitutes, smiling as they drape themselves in whorish iniquity, posing and preening like they aren't way past their sell-by date. But hey, at least one of their freshmen got to take photographs with a porn actress.
wokay sir, simply buys wriggle spearmintyd' gums wraps them friggn' goober peas wid dat minty gums an as dem froggys sez, voila no more lookin' like a horsey
Not often you see something like know, a woman in bed with a Notre Dame football player under her own volition.
Good question, Jean-Paul Sarte.
In the interest of journalistic integrity, I heard it was a threesome and Lennay Kekua should have received photo credit.
Things got awkward when talking about their favorite position, as they both answered "receiver".
Damn, man, this whole "don't eat shit in New York" thing is gonna be hell on Guy's American Kitchen & Bar.
He's fulfilling her Catholic schoolboy fetish.
Thankfully, Brent is used to three-and-outs
I'd make a tight end joke, but it wouldn't be relevant in her case.
Well the NCAA did say he will go pro in something other than sports.
I know if I was an awesome 18-year-old football player I would definitely shoot for 42 year old porn stars to hook up with.
Such. Weird. Boobs.
I say with 95% confidence that the Emergency Alert System and its tests are mandatory shit. You don't get to blow it off because there's something good on. I did college radio and it didn't matter if you were in the middle of a song, when the EAS came on you kicked back and it did it's thing. Literally could not do a…
I think I'm more annoyed that human beings actually sit in front of a television and watch "American Horror Story". I'd rather watch an hour of the emergency alert broadcast.
Tebow played 1 full season at QB, 75% of another, and 1% of his final. That's not 3 seasons. Putting Tebow up as an example was 100% spot on, as he is proof that college accolades don't mean shit.
That's what stupid people say when they have no ammunition left.
I don't understand what your definition of "chance" is. Sam was drafted by one team, cut, resigned by another, and released because he couldn't make that team either. That sounds like two chances to make it, failed both times.