
It would be a real shame if Target were to be forced to carry a product they don't wish to carry.

Now playing

Bon had a nasal but relatively smooth vocal delivery; he rarely if ever strained his voice into the raspy growl that is Brian's delivery. Even live, Bon sang in his natural register.

I agree, except for the "sound similar" part. They sound nothing alike. Now, Brian Johnson and Dan McCafferty - THEY sound similar.

...instead, they replaced him with another guy who sounded pretty much exactly like his predecessor...

For this year's festivities, we'll be hosting 8 family members. For the total 11 people (10 adults, one child), we've purchased a 20 lb. turkey.

"Best virtual acting yet" = "contrived Z-movie performance", apparently.

According to the DSM-5, they should be institutionalized immediately.

the royals were in the world series

It's also telling that she thinks people really want to read her opinions on Native American homelands before reading the menu.

"Every catch begins with Kay."

Ha ha ha. What a bunch of dopes. The answer is actually 104.

You probably only need this if you haven't properly calibrated your TV. Most TVs out of the box are set to garish levels of brightness. For the one-time price of 5 minutes you can save yourself $20 or the headache of some other slapdash solution.

You probably only need this if you haven't properly calibrated your TV. Most TVs out of the box are set to garish

Right after this, Don Mattingly ate the kid's head.

At least every one of these guys qualified to play golf this weekend. But, hey, if watching a surly has-been 3-putt his way out of contention is the pinnacle of golfing excitement for you, enjoy.

Rory McIlroy

Did that really happen? I'm not sure that really happened.

Caressing someone who's hard, leathery, and covered in stitches? Sounds like a job for Rick Salomon.

Thank you for making the image above SFW by pasting the "Grierson & Leitch" marquee over the location where the tip of Sandler's penis appears in the original.

How much shit's in a Shake Shack shake, if he shat Shake Shack shake shits?