
I say with 95% confidence that the Emergency Alert System and its tests are mandatory shit. You don't get to blow it off because there's something good on. I did college radio and it didn't matter if you were in the middle of a song, when the EAS came on you kicked back and it did it's thing. Literally could not do a

I think I'm more annoyed that human beings actually sit in front of a television and watch "American Horror Story". I'd rather watch an hour of the emergency alert broadcast.

Tebow played 1 full season at QB, 75% of another, and 1% of his final. That's not 3 seasons. Putting Tebow up as an example was 100% spot on, as he is proof that college accolades don't mean shit.

That's what stupid people say when they have no ammunition left.

I don't understand what your definition of "chance" is. Sam was drafted by one team, cut, resigned by another, and released because he couldn't make that team either. That sounds like two chances to make it, failed both times.

If you're planning on being Ray Rice for Halloween, I think it's safe to say the elevator doesn't go all the way up to the top floor.

What reasonable term could we use to replace it with?

that's actually Charlie Frye

I think Deadspin wrote an article why. If only I could find it...

You know whose anonymity shouldn't be protected? Whoever did that grout work.

In Buffalo, they don't even bat an eye at shit Bills.

Waitress 1: You look pissed. Bad tip?

Oh, the "fake feminists" started it? Not the ex who enlisted a bunch of clowns to attack and vilify a woman based solely on the notion that she'd maybe slept with some guys and those guys may have written about her game? Those people jumped at the chance to excoriate Zoe Quinn and when they rightly got called on their

GamerGate is simultaneously the dumbest internet "movement" I've ever seen and one of the most vile. Anyone who identifies with it is complicit in the rampant misogyny and death threats, all in the name of making writers about VIDEO GAMES hold to the standards of "real" journalism (which is nonsense, and gives video

To be fair "in order to meet their customers' expectations of shittiness" is basically the tagline for every microbrewery that hypes their IPAs over stouts.

Hi, Milwaukee here. You know, a city that has a lot of cold weather and hockey. So anyways, if your not doing anything, maybe you'd want to go out sometime. I know your kind of seeing South Florida, but if you are ever looking for someone that will really appreciate you, we're here for you.

Because not being cool with cops killing unarmed teenagers makes you "political"

Fuck that.

Protesters: [put hands up]

And then she got home and stumbled around aimlessly for an hour and a half looking for her purse. I've played this game.