
"...carried one constant, terrible gang-tackle all the way to the endzone"

but you just might win gas for a year!

Watching TV in the dark is hard on the eyes? I actually prefer it.

Watching TV in the dark is hard on the eyes? I actually prefer it.

"Sometimes you can't depend on others to get you to 3rd base"

Nothing racist about stating the truth and trying to come up with ways to diversify your fan base. A few of the things he said were questionable but if you're going to accuse someone of being a racist you have to have more to back it up than that.

Many (if not most) black members of the media who have commented on this did not interpret the email as "racist". I'm sure they are glad to have Albert Burneko here to help them see the error in their thinking.

Good try, but you're completely wrong. The guy wants to get more white people to come to the games. How is becoming MORE inclusive and more diverse a racist thing?

Mrs. Shoemaker: drops funny line on twitter

So, to recap, he put the bucket back on.

I never said I vaped around other people either. That was your assumption. The only reason that the vapers you know vape in public, is because you see them vape in public.

Vaping indoors without asking permission is rude. It is rude even if it is YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE, if you have guests. Even with asking permission, it

You know, I had this crazy thought.

Actually, I disagree.

people like you are why I get real fucking tired of trying to watch golf on tv. It's the motherfucking Tiger show, all day... Last week he was down by like seven goddamn strokes and they still showed nothing but Tiger. There are way more exciting people playing right now! Give us a break!

And then Tony Stewart ran him over and killed him

Just join any pro sport. You can get away with anything.

I really gotta get into a sport where I can murder someone and just keep on playing.

Deadspin already has one guy who acts like he's the only human to ever reproduce. We don't need another.

Ill just put this here.

Here's the short summary of it: "There's $3 million in cash buried in your neighbor's back yard. Get a shovel and head over there right now. You'll be set for life."